The Splinterlands Furnace - 11/28 Burn

​Today we will burn - Pelacor Deceiver


Card Stats

  • ID: C3-340-0TUAV3J82O
  • Rarity: Common
  • Spinter: Death
  • Print Edition: Reward
  • Circulation: 1.5 Million +
  • Value: $0.005

Into the furnace!



Hopefully I can come up with some video to represent burning the cards in the future to make it more interesting

I just started this project of burning splinterland cards based on posting payouts - If interested in reading the original posting it's located right down below: @illegal-migrant/project-the-splinterland-furnace

I decided to kick this off with some of the cards I have laying around before any posts start expiring and I have to do the reward calculation part, Plus - I like to burn cards...
Hopefully, in the near future we can get to some higher value and more rare cards to burn.

~Hidden Bonus: Guess the next burn card and receive 10SPS: Post your guess in the comments: Hint- Common Neutral Reward edition: Only 1 winner to correctly guess~

In any case, I have plenty of cheap cards to burn in the meantime!


I Will See You Tomorrow!


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