Project: The SplinterLand Furnace


Want to Burn some splinterlands cards?


I sure do
I'm sure many would like to see some cards burn
Lets Do It!


"Burning" cards is the process of irreversible destruction of a card in return for a specific amount of DEC based on the power value of the card.

Earlier season cards have a higher burn value.

Burning cards are a great way to increase the overall value of the remaining cards in circulation. Though, it makes relatively no sense in todays market as the burn value is a fraction of the sale value, this wasn't always the case...

Todays market has no incentive to burn cards

So let's Burn some cards!


The Plan

I am going to start making posts about burning cards and with the liquid posting rewards, I will purchase splinterlands cards and burn them.

I would be fully transparent by showing a record of liquid rewards being swapped into DEC, the purchase receipts, and the burning transactions.
I would also use the DEC from burning to keep buying cards to burn.
Probably making videos of the process

I also have ideas of implementing a "Savings" and a polling process so we can "Save" up for the higher value and more expensive cards while allowing the community here to have input into which cards are being burned...

I personally have my eyes on this one!

Lets make that 44... a 43!
Might take awhile... But it will be epic!

Realistically though, we will most likely be burning thousands of sub 1cent common cards. Lots and lots of fuel out there with some prints into the millions range.


How it works

It is very simple how this works.
By voting on my Burn posts (which will probably be all my posts going forward on this account), I will use all the liquid reward payouts to swap into DEC and purchase and burn splinterlands cards.
*I will keep the HP rewards that are automatically powered up
*As this account gains more voting power, I will most likely delegate it to a splinterlands curation bot.

The more votes the posts get, the more cards we can burn!

The more cards we can burn, the more everyone wins!

As a long time splinterlands player, I am looking forward to having some fun with this plan
If anyone has any ideas or thoughts to add, please leave a comment, I would love to hear some feedback on this

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