I haven't been outside for 4 days

So I haven't been outside for 4 days straight as the title says.
I have to go to work today otherwise I properly wouldn't have been outside either today xD

Just so we are clear, I haven't hamstered anything! One of the reasons why I have manage to eat well and not lack anything/need anything is because I only eat a vegan diet, most things on a vegan diet have a lot shleaf life.

Here is somethings I always have in my kitchen, Brown Rice, Beans, Lentils, Frosen Veggies, Soya Sauce, 3 different kind of seeds, Almond milk, A shit ton of different spices

I also always have Vegan Mayo, Mustad and Syrup - This is mainly to make a killer sauce/dressing :D

I wasn't outside for 2 days and then it hit me that I could make this a challenge hehe :D

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