Update on me

Hello Everyone, so, i have been MIA here on steemit for quite a while now. And while i was away, i was doing some other things like growing my business, starting up a youtube channel and other motherly stuff, you know what i mean.
I started my youtube channel 12months ago with my first video which was a picture video. I had a lot going on and also had lots of procastinations and planning which was never rounded up. I did a lot and thought a lot about my channel. I asked my self lots of questions. I was not sure if i wanted to appear on my videos or not.
I did a test video and concluded that i looked like an elephant and wasnt good enough to appear in a public video.
I thought, what will people say about my looks? Oh, cyber bullies will come on my comment section and say all sort of nasty things. How would that make me feel?
I thought and thought, weighed and considered about what people will say about my looks.
My first video was in March 2018, April came,no video. May, June, July..........down to December, yet no new video and not much growth on my channel. My first video was getting an average of 100 views every month.
I didnt know anything about thumbnails, tags, or video Seo. I just did something brief and uploaded it on my channel.
2019 came and i decided to be more committed to my channel, yet i faced a lot of challenges in making this happen. I knew i had to start from my starting point, a newbie. I had to make my own mistakes and learn to grow from them. I did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that i need to test out my own fulnerabilities.
I had to quit the excuses and move a head no matter what. So i did it. I did an intro video few days ago which you can find here
Nothing good comes easy. You need to work and put in efforts in things to get results.
If you want more appealing results then you have to put in more hard work.
If you havent learnt this about life then you are still a child.
I got into the details of this to tell you this: You are the only obstacle stopping you!
Where ever you are presently in your life, what ever situation you find your self in today, know this: its not someone elses' fault you are there. You put your self there. That is why you need to get your self out of there if it is a bad situation.
Instead of blaming others, acknowledge this fact and know that if you could have the power and ability to get your self in there, then you have the power and ability to get your self out of any situation you do not want to be into.
It may take time, research, dig deep, get out your comfort zone , do something you have never done before, stretch your self, go the extra mile. Do it bcos you CAN DO IT!

Fight the battle so you can win the race. It wont be easy, bear the pain to get the blessings.
Be proud of what you have achieved so far. Be proud of yourself.
You may not have achieved what Mr A has achieved at the age of 25, but you are making some good progress in your life cos the race is not for the swift.
Never stop! Never give up, theres never a prize for those who dropped out of the race.
keep pressing.........its still ahead........

Heres my channel intro watch and tell me what you think in the comment section of the video. I'm not afraid of starting my growth in the social media industry.

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