10 unMEAN sTWEETs From Steemians Who Have Had Experience, Dealing With Suicidal Thoughts!

Humans are created with the "desire to live", hard-wired into their minds but many in the world have considered suicide at some point in their lives. This can be due to depression, pain, loss of loved ones, watching loved ones suffer and some people get to a point in life or depth, where life and the whole process of waking up to eat and drink, just no longer make much sense. 

It is established! Many people in the world look to suicide as a solution to problems. They start to see it as an option or a route to take when life is going out of hand. 

But are we to look down on them for being suicidal? Note that, not everyone who is suicidal, is suicidal as a result of drug abuse and some who end abusing drugs, may have gone that path in trying to curb some other underlying problems like depression, anxiety and in some cases, extreme pain and illness, etc. 

So are we to talk and give loving support to these ones or are we to regard them as a lost cause?

No human breathing is ever a lost cause!

One factor easy to notice in the case of those who live with suicidal thoughts is that a support system goes a long way in helping them overcome these battles. In many cases, these ones feel they are alone and sometimes never open up about their condition due to shame or fears that they won't be understood. 

It will help people who live with suicidal thoughts to know that they are not alone and many in the world know, understand and have experienced what you are going through and are passionate about helping!

Just incase you feel you are alone, here are:

10 unMEAN sTWEETs From Steemians Who Have Had Experience Dealing With Suicidal Thoughts!

1. @englishtchrivy shared this beautiful comment when responding to @thecryptofiend who stated his past experience with suicide here:

I'm grateful you are still alive
otherwise I wouldn't have bumped into such a very generous - big heart soul virtually.You're going to be a big loss in the world had it been the other way around.

Suicide is not a solution.

indeed.. everyone could have depression and some could even be a walking depression
in a particular place in Asia its rampant - there's even a forest there where people hang themselves on trees to die despite the many posts that says think about your parents, your family, wife and kids.
However, they also have the highest rate of loneliness - I guess the more people get to talk and socialize and feel that they are valued and they can do what they are passionate of - the more they live but the opposite of that - having no one and no one to understand nor support you - is already death too .. but go out and talk - or go to a shrink and if they are too embarrassed - find one who caters in skype. Suicide is the worst option - seeking help and socializing could even sometimes be free and if you got lucky -its also possible virtually these days.

2. @simonjay related his experience in this awesome comment:

Suicide is definitely not the solution to your problems @thecryptofiend I have been there, the one thing that helped me the most was learning psychology, life is beautiful and you only have one.

3. @onetree has also had to deal with suicidal thoughts in the past:

I completely identify. Only the effect suicide would have on my children prevented me from considering it more seriously. It does get better and it gets worse again. It's a cycle, but slowly you learn coming skills.


4. @lucashunter states the case in Nigeria:

Depression and committing suicide is plague. I remember an hall mate who committed suicide taking insecticide. That incident still hunt me to this very moment. I wish there was a Samaritan organization in Nigeria maybe that will reduce the suicide cases that plague the nation.

 5. @thecryptofiend left a pertinent fact in this comment:

 Medics generally have some of the highest rates of depression and suicide.


6. @bitgeek had this to say:

I suffered terribly from anxiety for a number of years and luckily, I've had a strong support network around me but it's the toughest thing I have ever had to go through. The most difficult aspect for me was the lack of understanding of the illness from a lot of friends and relatives. It's not like others illnesses that are physical and can be treated in a hospital. I found that when I was at my lowest point I felt I would be stuck like that forever and that "this was it". I know you are talking about suicide and I completely agree that it is never the answer but in my experience I was paralysed with fear when I was at my worst. It's a different type of mental illness but I could see how it would lead someone to contemplate suicide. The best advice I could give is to keep talking about it and get help. There is light at the end of the tunnel if you are willing to let others help you. Great article and thanks again for sharing your story.


7. @jlufer left his true story in this comment:

I had a very difficult childhood, at one time I lived in a street situation, I left my house at 14 years of age to another city in search of improvement, at first this new city received me very badly, I lived a long time in the street and I must admit that in more than one opportunity I thought about taking my life, I did not do it because I was thinking about the pain that would cause my mother, then my life changed and finally emerged.
I read Isabel Allende's book, the power is in you, there I understood many things, then I had a successful career, I was manager of several very important company.
You're right in what you say sucidio is not the solution.

8. @samdaman talks in the voice of a VET:

As a Vet, I have had my bouts with depression and almost succumbed to the final resort to solve the problem. I have had more brothers and sisters that I have served with die due to this mental illness state side then overseas in combat. It is a matter that needs to be addressed, but it starts with us as a community. Suicide is a problem that comes from the social lifestyle. With Vets, we feel like we don't have a belonging when we come back to the civilian life and there for isolate ourselves form others. That makes matters worst! Being alone with your thoughts and finding quick solutions as drinking and drugs will exacerbate the issue. We need each other and empathize with one another. There are many that think we are weak in mental stand point, when in all actuality, we are all vulnerable to the issue. Thanks for this post!

 9. @crystalandbones has also been there:

I've been in this dark place before and sometimes it's really hard to break free of it.
I would not be here today if not for the love and support of family and friends.
It's so important to reach out and to share with those who love you about what's going on.


10. @hope777 also leaves her experience with suicidal thoughts:

 The first time when I got depressed, by the time I was diagnosed I was down in a very deep dark pit. Thoughts of suicide was my companion everyday. It took me very long to see the light again. But I got good treatment and cognitive treatment. That help me to recognize the depression sooner and not allow myself to go that deep before seeking help. From 1990 till 2006 I was hospitalized 4 times. About once every four years. Since 2007 I do not get that depressed anymore usually just a bit melancholy for a few days and manage to snap out of it. It is a war with your thoughts instead of allowing yourself to become more and more negative you must try fight it. Renew your mind and let rational thought win the war! 

 Disclaimer: This post is very resteemable!  

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