How to make friends in your university halls

Starting university is an exciting time for anyone, I'm a completely different person now than when I started university and there is so much I'd tell myself if I could go back in time.
University is a great way to make friends from all walks of life and being part of a student community gives you the perfect chance to meet like-minded people who could become lifelong friends.

Get involved

Don’t be that person who always stays in their room. Everyone wants to get to know each other when they first move in, and everyone is in the same boat. I remember being in my dorm and thinking What if they all hate me?” “What if we don’t get on?” “What if I have no friends all year?”. My flatmates were just as nervous as I was...

Bond over dinner

What a better way to bond than over food! The first night I moved in me and my flatmates decided to make a pizza together (yes, that includes the dough) I was glad we got to cook as a team as it was a great way to get to know my housemates, from then on, we regularly cooked together which helped me save money on a budget!

Be a social bunny

If being social isn’t really something you do quite often don’t worry, when I moved into halls I couldn’t help but run into people as I was moving my stuff in. So, I took it a step further and spoke to as many of my flatmates as I could. I went around and knocked on doors and introduce myself to people. Don’t worry that this will make you seem lame and desperate. It's just friendly.

Go to Freshers

Freshers is a great way you can get to know your housemates better, make sure if nothing else you go to some of the Freshers events, even though it’s the first week and you’re still getting to know your housemates, everyone is new so enjoying night time activities eases any fears you may have and it also takes you out of your environment.

So make sure you find somewhere to live that has a communal area and regular social events.

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