Healing the Heart and the Mind requires multiple levels of surrender

I see the cracks starting to form in the fictional constructs we use to mask our trauma.

In my book Graduating Life with Honours, I explain the physical and spiritual bodies.   You can revisit this chapter here if you want a reminder:  https://steemit.com/book/@wwf/graduating-life-with-honours-chapter-ten

The physical body is either male or female while the spiritual body can express a range of preference between being fully divine masculine to being fully divine feminine.   The spiritual masculine and feminine is not the physical male or female as most people confuse, but instead is a preference on how the Spirit wants to express itself through the physical vessel.  Usually a divine feminine spirit chooses a female body and a divine masculine chooses a male body.  Most people also have varying degrees of both and can switch back and forth as some situations may need different approaches. For example, men being able to nurture and care for others and women being able to run a business or build stuff. But usually our preference leans more towards one side or another.  

Part of Christ Level Consciousness is to find within ourselves a balance of these two spiritual energies, while at the same time finding a balance between the spiritual and the physical by opening up all the chakra points between our two bodies.  To accomplish that requires that the physical body surrender to the spiritual energies for healing.  The physical mind will resist this as the process is completely foreign to it.  The mind cannot comprehend what is going on and resists out of self-preservation and the false ego helps justify this resistance.

The spiritual masculine or feminine preferences are expressed through our heart space. So when I speak of a masculine vs feminine heart space, I am referencing the individuals masculine or feminine tendency when they step into their heart space.  In order for somebody to step into their heart space and fully express their spiritual masculine or feminine, requires that they physical heart be healed.  To heal the physical heart requires that the physical vessel surrender to the divine feminine energy so that it can receive the nurturing and support it needs to heal.  That surrender must be complete in order for all the protective armouring to be removed so that all the trauma can be released.  For most of us this can be a scary and vulnerable process.  The divine masculine can help by holding the space for this healing to occur and protect those going through these vulnerable processes. 

The trauma that we experience through our lives is done in layers and it may take surrendering multiple times in order to release all the trauma being held in the heart space.  It is not a comfortable process and it often leaves the individual wondering who they are as most of us define ourselves based on the trauma that we have experienced in our lives.  This is due to an incomplete healing process as the mind too must be healed.

In order to heal the physical mind, the individual needs to do another complete surrender, except this time to the divine masculine energy.  The mind has been colonized by dark, evil, harmful and false ideas, concepts and fictional constructs.  Many of us have run away egos that justify covert and overt violence, greed, envy, lust, power and control.  This healing process confronts the physical mind to challenge these issues so that the individual recognizes that it is following the wrong mind.  The fictional foundations that were built in the mind come crumbling down and often leaves the individual wondering who they are.  The mind has a hard time letting go, but with the support of the divine feminine, additional healing can take place.

What this allows is for the divine feminine and masculine to heal the physical body so that it can fully surrender to the spirit.  When the physical surrenders to the spiritual, it then has access and connection to the Spiritual Mind through the heart space.  By surrendering and allowing the Spiritual Mind to guide and govern our lives, we are then confronted with a paradigm shift that starts to manifest prosperity, peace, love, patience and joy.  Suddenly our spiritual gifts start to flow and we can accomplish more than ever before.  Our 'vision' becomes more clear as we can 'see' and 'hear' the lies, violence and false constructs used by others to control or manipulate us.  

Time to thaw the ice from our hearts and mind so that we can let the warmth and light of Spirit in.

The Spiritual Mind Retreat is focused on healing the mind and providing the discipline to ensure the mind serves the heart and it does not run away with its own grandiose ideas of glory or purpose (unhealthy ego / devil). This requires the discipline and single focus of the divine masculine in order to tear down the fictional constructs and allow the spiritual individual to express itself through the heart space. The Spiritual Mind can then come forward once the physical mind has its false ego / devil dismantled and is under the command and control of the Spiritual Mind ... the divine feminine and divine masculine spiritual being in partnership! When the spiritual being has full command of it's physical vessel, that allows the spiritual being to have full access to the universal mind so that the full spiritual gifts can come pouring out through the spiritual body and then through the physical vessel to be manifested in the physical realm. The divine feminine grounds this process with their presence, much like the divine masculine grounded the process when healing the physical heart. 

For the creation of a true Spiritual Warrior, the individual must surrender to experience the full divine feminine and full divine masculine, despite how uncomfortable it may be. This is physically manifested by the physical body surrendering to Creator and Mother Earth.  By doing this, the individual is now consciously aware of what the divine feminine and masculine is all about and they can then be fully aware of who they are and what their spiritual preferences are for this life time. They need to experience the full spectrum in order to find their own equilibrium, know who they are and take full responsibility for their lives. 

The Warrior Heart Retreat that I experienced a few weeks ago was a divine feminine retreat to heal the heart space.  I surrendered completely in that process and experienced the glory of the divine feminine.  It was foreign, confusing and even a bit scary, however it was powerful as I witnessed a lot of people healing through that retreat.  On May long weekend we will do the Spiritual Mind Retreat where the participants will be fully submersed in the glory of the divine masculine.  Powerful medicine for those who really want to heal!  

Do you really know who you are or is your ego cashing checks that your body and spirit cannot cover?  Is your whole self image a mask painted by fictional constructs as a result of colonization?  Are you sure?  

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