
I've been wanting to make this post since Sunday but I couldn't because I was yet to recover from the stress that accompanied dad's funeral ceremony. So, it was a day to dad's celebration of life. I really didn't participate in the kitchen activities because we had helping hands on ground. Lots of family friends and relatives started to arrive since Thursday.

One thing was giving me a cause for worry since Wednesday. Every one's dress was ready except mine. I had to suspend mine so I could sew Vera's. Luckily for me, hers didn't take me so much time to cut and sew but I wasn't satisfied with what I had made for myself. I had wanted to add a thing or two to the dress. So, after preparing breakfast for everyone on Friday, I had to begin making the changes I needed to my dress. It took me quite some time to finish cos of the many interruptions here and there.

I was all tired at night. I remembered the words of @godsnana recently on her WhatsApp status.

** She said she was so tired that even if she had to sleep for two weeks straight, she still would be tired. ** I wondered that possibility two weeks ago as I laughed to the status post but now it was all beginning to make some sense. I had gone through so much stress lately and was so tired that I wished dad hadn't passed away. I wished he waited a little longer but fate has had its way. I needed to be strong more than ever. You know the saying that the closest it is to day, the darker the night. I felt the pressures mounting and I was gonna break. Thanks to @lordjames for his encouraging words. He kept telling me that I'd survive this stress somehow and yes I did. (lol). Thanks to my friends @essential and @joshuaetim. Your constant calls too helped made the journey a whole lot easier.


The D-day came and everyone else was awake except myself. Activities were already ongoing. I could hear the voices of those in the kitchen busy with the cooking already. I still couldn't raise a finger nail or bring myself to full wake. Finally, the sleep euphoria faded and I came awake. Said my prayers and expressed gratitude to God that finally, this day that seemed forever away has finally come. There was really so much to be grateful for. The sudden favours that have been trooping in were jaw dropping. Both in financial and material sense. Indeed there had to be God's involvement and not just luck.

I got out of bed finally and went around to say hellos and expressed gratitude to the church folks, family women group, the caterer that was invited for the event and everyone else I did see. A lot of things transpired that morning between the family women group and the caterer that I was really pissed and ready to talk some sense into some people but was pacified by a few people who felt my reaction would escalate the issue at hand. You know the saying that goes, if you don't want to feel the heat, then leave the kitchen. That was the best option at the moment because a whole lot of times, it's hard to get irritated by the things you didn't see or heared. I left the kitchen and went back to my room.


I really was looking forward to the time of the event and reminded myself that in a matter of hours, this whole drama would be over. The canopies had been set and my church choir were already fixing their sound instruments in readiness to perform in the event. How time flies. Before I could say Jack Robinson, it was already 1pm. I was all joyed. Just like a flash, the pains of the past week was gone as the event had already started. I had to rush through a bath, got dressed and was all ready for a dance. In about three hours, the whole event was over and the clouds were heavy, threatening to pour down. I was glad that the rain didn't interrupt anything.


After all the friends and well wishers left, I was left with a very dirty house, and dirty dishes in every nook and cranny of the house. With the help of some church folks, the dishes were taken care of, while I was taking care of the left over foods. Vera was in charge of cleaning up the house, other friends around were taking care of the messed up compound.

** finally, it's over and I'll have my life back **


This whole event is a great reminder to everyone
reading this post that ** no matter how long the night is, the day would surely come. ** Irrespective of the storm you're facing in your life right now, despite the intensity of the challenges, you'd come out of it not just with victory but you'll also come out stronger. So, hang on to your dreams. It would see the light of the day. It's #ulogs and it's my story.

You've got a voice with #ulogs
Let's hear your original everyday story and get some inspiration.
With #ulogs, You are a celebrity and we your fans. A million thanks to @surpassinggoggle. You're indeed a superstar. 😘😘

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