ULOG # 11 - The Garden - She she blooms!

family garden.jpg

While I have been off gallivanting, (check my blog for tales of beer and cottage and sailing and climbing to heights and BJJ and such) many have probably either been sitting on the edge of their seats pining for a garden update, or figuring that being so caught up in summer, the garden must be dead by now. Though I am about to go through a fertilizing phase, that is untrue!

Here is your update via pictures and prose.


It is starting to look like a REAL garden, filling in and overflowing the walls of the box build this spring.


My Chili peppers are doing well too. I was so enthralled by my first one, I mistakenly ended up picking it while it was still green before full ripening. .....so I HAD to eat it. Very tasty with the freshness and a hint of mild spice. I bet my red ones will get spicier!


There are a couple red ones growing in with the green and an orange backdrop of marigold to keep away critters.


I am REALLY excited for my jalapenos as the first couple are showing some nice size and shape. Can't wait to eat the first one and hope it burns my tongue out.


The Sugar Snap Peas on the end are starting to climb nicely and they have produced their first pea! They are eaten in the husk whole and my completely non-vegetarian little one actually likes to snack on them. Says this first one was a little like the ones in the store and hopes future ones are a little sweeter.


The first tomatoes we started watching a few weeks ago are doing very well too putting on size and getting rounder. That one is about the size of a dood's fist and is showing no signs of red so it may get quite large. I see at least 3 dozen growing in the other plants and think my wife might be right when she predicts a bumper crop.


We have a number of green peppers growing as well. This one is the largest maybe a little bigger than a golf ball. These, I will eat many of when they ripen.


The mystery of the @lostandconfused plants seems to be playing itself out as Sunflowers. This is an extreme closeup of the head of the flower starting to form and bloom. They should make for some very good colour, snacks, and bird food later on.


A failed attempt at a depth of field shot with the iPhone but we have a few dozen raspberries growing on the plants we planted last year. The bees are also really liking them which may be why we have so many.


Another nice surprise from last year are the Calendulas are growing again. Edible flowers and they are relatively low maintenance and look great.


Greek oregano still flourishing under the tomatoes and covering the ground under them nicely. I have to figure out how to harvest it properly as I love using it in cooking sauces.

Due to popular demand, here is the video action shot of the watering of the jungle.


So far so good! What are you growing?

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