So I Went On A Little Trip! // Travel Journal Day #1

Back to my Hometown!

I was pregnant the last time I was at home, (home will always be my mom’s place) and since I have missed it soo, soooo much! I mean is a much bigger city that were I currently live and I have family and friends there, the only people I have or know in the city I live now is my boyfriend and his mom, so getting to go back to my hometown was excited!

We haven’t done the trip before cause of money and baby being too little to do the travel through public transportation, but we had some help from my sister to cover the cost of the bus tickets so, we thought what better time to travel but to do it on spring break, we have a whole week to be away!
As you may know Venezuela is in a crisis right now the electrical power gets cut down everyday for more than a few hours on a random schedule that makes it unpredictable to know when is going to happen next, it happens all over the country so there is not way we can escape it even if we travel. But, some cities have it more easy than others for example in the city I live in the power can go for up to 7 hours a day or sometimes go more than 1 time a day, in my hometown (Valencia) the power goes only for 3 to 4 hours a day, so that was also a lets go and get out of here factor to take into consideration for us to make this trip!

My sister bday was on April 13th and she wanted to see her nephew (my son) and since I have not money to spare on gifts I though well lets just give her the gift of spending time with the little fatty.

We took the bus on April 14th the trip is supposed to take 12hours, I have done so many times this trip (when I wasn’t living here but was coming to visit the long distance relationship struggle was real*) so I knew it was probably going to take longer than that and I knew all the things that could happen in the road, we were prepare for everything.

Traveling with a little child is not easy you take so much shit with you, what in other times would have taken only 1 suitcase, took us 4 this time (including the scroller) I feel like we were moving out of the house with the amount of stuff that we carry we us.

the bus didn’t have any air conditioner so at first we were thinking well this is going to be a trip from hell, but since the windows of the bus did open it wasn’t so bad, actually was the best thing, cause the kid was entreating the first 30 minutes looking out the window, by the time we actually left the town and hit the road the kid already had fallen sleep and let me tell you is not cause he is my kid, but that child is so well behave it makes me proud to call myself his mom, he fell asleep at 6pm and woke up the next day at 5am, he sleep over 11hours straight, he gave us not one single cry in the trip it was so easy to travel with him, we were so happy.

I don’t actually have pictures of any of this cause of several reasons, the first one is that I suck 😂the second one is like you know I don’t actually own a good phone and the one I have at the moment decided it didn’t want to take pictures, and just to think of taking the camera out of the bag it was in already safe and sound to travel with was so not a funny though.
So, you will have to take all this story of my travel and make a mental picture of it 😆

I will be making a travel journal to have something new to post every day and not shit post anymore lmao, so I will leave it at this for now stay tune for my next post it will have pictures I promise (my mom does a have a phone with a good camera so….)

As always, thank you very much for reading me and I hope to read your comments!

Picture Credit: los Emoji son creados con

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