A day in the life of Snook~ ULOG #2

I learned a new word the other day. Ulog. It's a combination of a blog and vlog. The U stands for YOU.

I read a very detailed post written by @surpassinggoole and also read a very long comment he left on someone's post where he again goes into great detail about Ulogs.

The simplest explanation I can come up with, from what I have been reading, is an Ulog should be a post about something that has meaning to you. Another rule of thumb is that you should get in the habit of posting one Ulog a day.

The idea behind Ulogging is a person that is new to writing a post will have an easier time learning to make a great post that has meaning.

You are told to worry more about original content and original photos. Making sure if you use photos from the internet that are copyright free or from a site like Pexel where you just need to cite the source of your image for it to be legal to use in your post.

It's a way to start getting into writing posts that are interesting and full of heart from the person that writes it.

If someone has never done any kind of blogging before it gives them a place to start without the pressure of 'what do I write about that will interest so many other people so they come to read my post'.

This goes away because an Ulog is written for yourself.

You can use it as a diary and write about things that have happened in your day. You can use it to remember lessons learned that you don't want to forget. You can use it to share a funny story that you don't want to lose how it went in ten years. You can use it to make note of anything as long as it is important to you on that day.

If someone new to posting does an Ulog will it look as polished as someone that has been posting for a long time? Probably not.

The point of an Ulog is to get people writing in a nonjudgmental environment.

Once they get used to Uloging every day you will naturally see the Ulogs getting better formatting, spacing, dividers, and all the fun stuff that goes into making a post pretty to look at as well as read.

I love the idea of Ulogging.

It gives everyone a chance to talk about things that are important to them. By reading Ulogs you get to see what makes a person unique in their own way, what's important to them and not some post that they wrote because they think it will make them some money on Steemit.com.

If a person is writing about their own life and what is important to them on that day it will help get rid of all the spam posts.

You know the ones. The ones where people see someone post, let's say a meme that makes 200.00 US. A person then thinks Meme's make money! They go off and post a meme wondering why they don't get a vote, get discouraged and stop trying to learn how to write a post. Ulogging is trying to help people from having to go down that road.

I find this to be a very positive thing.

The idea and what an Ulog really is seemed confusing and complex because it is, in reality, very simple. It's a daily post about YOU. What makes you tick on that day. Because of that, an Ulog can be about anything. This is where I think some of the confusion for me came into play when trying to figure out how an Ulog is different than a blog or a vlog.

I will say again, an Ulog is written for yourself about what, on that day, is important to you.

Now that doesn't mean you don't have to write other kinds of posts. You can, but this one post, your Ulog post, is for YOU.

Here I will say all of the above information is how I have interpreted what I have read so far. If you see any errors in my interpretation please let me know.

I would love to know what you think about Ulogs!

Last but not least.

My new found cure for a very bad day in the real world is:

  • While shopping with your husband for PVC pipes at Menards find the Little Debbie shelf.

  • Grab a box of the chocolate snack pies.

  • Give your husband the look when he wants to say something about the box of little Debbies you just put in the cart.

  • When home put the box in the refrigerator and eat when cold.

Guaranteed to make your night a bit brighter! Well, mine anyway!

Thank you so much for stopping by!



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