Ulog #6 - My story - The story of my journey in searching for some flowers photography

The afternoon weather was very cloudy, lightning started to hear in my ears, but so did not make me discouraged to continue my activities this afternoon, this afternoon me and my colleague @arifpratama will find some photography, photography we are looking for usually about ornamental flowers and wild flowers
Cuaca sore ini sangat mendung, petir mulai terdengar di telinga, namun begitu tidak membuat saya patah semangat untuk melanjutkan kegiatan saya sore ini, sore ini saya dan rekan saya @arifpratama akan mencari beberapa photography, photography yang kami cari biasanya tentang bunga hias maupun bunga liar

The weather in the afternoon was very overcast



It took about 30 minute trips to arrive at the destination, with my motorbike continuing on this journey, a loud rumbling sound was heard in the ears, it seemed to be a very heavy rain, my journey through some rice fields, here we stopped for a while, enjoying the wind that blows very cold, making the soul and body feel cold
Membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit perjalanan untuk sampai pada lokasi tujuan, dengan menggunakan sepeda motor saya terus melakukan perjalanan ini, suara gemuruh semakin kuat terdengar di telinga, sepertinya akan terjadi hujan yang sangat deras, perjalanan saya melewati beberapa persawahan, di sini kami singgah sejenak, sambil menikmati angin yang berhembus sangat dingin, membuat jiwa dan raga merasa kedinginan

The atmosphere in the middle of rice fields





After traveling for about 30 minutes, I arrived at my destination location, located in the lancok village, I talked to some colleagues to ask permission to take some photography of flowers, they gladly allowed me to photograph some flowers in his house
Setelah melakukan perjalanan sekitar 30 menit, saya sampai pada tempat lokasi tujuan saya, letaknya di desa lancok, saya berbicara dengan beberapa rekan untuk meminta izin mengambil beberapa photography bunga, dengan senang hati mereka mengizinkan saya untuk memotret beberapa bunga yang ada di rumahnya


Some of the flowers I got today

That's the story of my journey this afternoon in search of some photography of flowers, hopefully tomorrow I can give the best again
Itulah cerita tentang perjalanan saya di sore hari ini dalam mencari beberapa photography bunag, semoga besok saya bisa memberikan yang terbaik lagi

Thank you very much for your support, hopefully in the future I can give the best again


Location : Village lancok, Aceh,Indonesia

Today is 17 May 2018

Warm greetings from me @gilangarif131294


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