Modern UFO Disclosure - Lue Elizondo

Modern disclosure begins with this article and Lue Elizondo. Without Lue there is no telling how long the public would be lied to about the UFO Phenomenon. Prior to this article the US Government had not recognized studying UFOs in any capacity since the controversial Project Blue book. Lue bravely came forward to tell the world that UFO’s are real and they are everywhere. After he came out attempts were made to discredit the veracity of his claims, his character, and the credits on his resume but they could not shut him up. When you hear Lue talk and you look into his eyes you know he is not lying. He appears like a guy you might not always agree with but you know he is going to tell you his truth.

Project Blue book ran from the 1952 to 1969 and was the governments first official attempt to cover up the UFO phenomenon, I mean investigate. The program claims to have investigated over 12k cases with 700 still being unresolved. What is most interesting about these cases is how similar they are to the current sitings by our military. The cases that Lue was receiving while investigating the phenomenon for ATIP. If these craft were a secret black government project they have been in the dark for over 75 years. If this is true it poses its own questions as to why the technology has not been implemented to solve some of the world's energy problems.

The Pentagon Image Image from NYT article

From 1952 to 2017 The topic of UFO’s was ridiculed by media. It was only reported on by tabloid papers and late night cable news shows. Real journalist would not waste their time researching and reporting on these cases because they knew they would be not be rewarded for their efforts. This all changed when the hero of this article Lue Elizondo resigned his position working for the government and took his story to the New York Times. The NYT is one of the most respected news papers in the world, even after Trump nicknamed them the failing NYT’s during his 2016 campaign. Once covered by the NYT the topic began to be taken more seriously.

The article outlined a top secret black budget project that began in 2017 named The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATIP). It was funded to the tune of 22 million dollars through the defense budget. The program was created at the urgency of Senator Harry Reid and run by the Pentagon. In the article they attributed Lue as the director of this program. In actuality this information was inaccurate. AAWSAP, the Advanced Weapons System Application program was the actual name of the program and was much more robust a program than ATIP.

AAWSAP was overseen by Dr. James Lacatski and contracted to one of billionaire UFO enthusiast Robert Bigelow’s companies. ATIP was a much smaller program focused on military reports where AAWSAP took in data from all sources and was much wider of an investigation. ATIP is the program the Lue was in charge of before resigning.

Senator Harry Reid Image Image from NYT article

To make things more fun the home base of the AAWSAP program was locate in the middle of the now known Skinwalker Ranch. The ranch is the subject of a book called Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah and is one of the strangest places on earth where both the UFO and Paranormal phenomenon intersect. Stories from the ranch range from werwolves, to UFO’s with all type of strange things in-between. The ranch continues to baffle scientists who study it and it is the subject of a running TV series. My next article will focus on the ranch since its Halloween soon it is time for a real spooky story!!

_in reference to AAWSAP In a letter submitted into congressional record before the Grusch hearing by George Napp reporter and UFO historian states “_At one point, it employed 50 full time investigators, far more than Project Blue Book or the UAP Task Force, or AARO. The team compiled what might be the largest and most sophisticated UFO data warehouse ever created, with more than 200,000 cases catalogued.” All of this work has never seen the light of day. In the letter George compels the congress to look into the findings of AAWSAP and work to uncover this phenomenon to get answers to the public.

LUE Image Image from Lue Elizando's Twitter

While Lue did not head up AAWSAP he did continue some of its work investigating UAP claims made by our military after it lost its funding. Lue eventually became frustrated with the process. He was taking in report after report, “daily occurrences” of UAP encounters, from military personnel yet nothing was being done with them. It was his opinion from these reports that there was a significant threat to our Air Force and the nations security. Lue has since reveled that in his research he learned that occurrence of UAP are strongly connected with our nuclear programs. They have at times been able to disarm or take off line our capabilities, If that is not a matter of national security it’s hard to imagine what is. Further he states that this is not only something that happens in the US but in many other countries and even scarier is that in other countries they have reported their nukes being turned on instead of being taken off line!!

Robert Bigelow Image Image from NYT article

_It appears in my opinion as if AAWSAP was ended after they uncovered more than the pentagon wanted them to. According to the NYT article “Under Mr. Bigelow’s direction, the company modified buildings in Las Vegas for the storage of metal alloys and other materials that Mr. Elizondo and program contractors said had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena” and according to George Napa’s letter to congress “ _One condition of the Bigelow contract with DIA was that Bigelow’s Aerospace plant in Las Vegas must be engineered so that it could accept, store, and study certain exotic materials. AAWSAP managers believe these materials were collected from sites where unknown aircraft had crashed. When Dr. Lacatski began pressing the issue, seeking access to the exotic materials, he was met with harsh rebukes. The door, in essence, was slammed in his face. And powerful interests began to apply pressure to end AAWSAP.” This was to the powers that be the end. That is until Lue kept things going. These two statements lead me to believe that they have a craft and just are not ready tp turn it over.

LUE Image Image from NYT Article

Lue’s background is very impressive according to a Washington post article. He states that he served as a Counterintelligence Special Agent, a Special Activities Program officer with the Department of the Army, In Afghanistan after 9/11, and as Overseas Investigations Desk Officer all before being asked to joint ATIP in 2008 and assuming the lead role in 2010.

Now we all know Lue as an American hero of disclosure but directly after his story broke while they still had a chance the Pentagon tried to discredit him. False information about him was being leaked to media outlets. In 2021 Lue filed a complaint with the Inspector General stating that he was being attacked and lied about publicly. His complaint also states that he was threaten that his security clearance would be revoked, and his potential to gain employment hindered if his efforts to push disclosure continued. Lue is on Twitter and will offer a message or two here and there letting us know that he is still working behind the scenes. He often talks on podcasts and we all await his book that he is writing. We all know if will be subject to the scrutiny of the DOD before it release but he says that it will be a starting pint to set the history straight. One of Lue’s sentiments that is the most unsettling especially after hearing his explanation on the Theories of Everything podcast is that the truth when reveled will be somber.

Images from Lue Elizondo's Twitter X account and the New York times article linked ; All Words written by me not Chat GPT, All images are created by me not Midjourney, All digital assets are owned by me not right click and saved.


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