Telsa's Teleport Transportation

{Speculative Fiction... In what does it speculate, or for whom does it do for? L'Auteur? Well certainly they are a core contingent part of the group, but they are also the ones making it. The readers? Of which to whom of the readers of fiction does it truly appeal to and why? Does it appeal it to those that imagine new Worlds beyond the one we live in? Or does it appeal to those that want to take the logical conclusion of any a system to center on what could happen? Or sincerely does it wish to critique and call out for readers to become aware of things that exist beyond the Capitalist Imaginary and that people weren't always under such nor did everyone subscribe to the same human nature argument as-is propagated now to be part of the Capital T Truth? But a story for another day for another whimsical jester... Today is an entry to @mctiller's 24 Hour Contest of which we deal with... wait no spoilers~ c: ... Today's music-aide: Time Leaper by Hinkik.}

- Telsa's Teleport Transportation -

"Alright gang, you in? Good, the place's been scouted out and the "package" has been dropped. All you need to do is recover that and seize the prize, you'll know when you'll see it."

"Damn, Locke's been awfully giddy o'er this damn thing-"

"Well, Wilik, imagine that it's basically a car of the future. But with an added feature we like to use to get to where we need to go. Anyways, do you see the package?"

"Nae, I can't peckin' see it, Malek, because the care- well colour me like a rainbow, I see where the care giver stow'd oure gear away."

"That's pretty genius, right above the press announcement room. Glad we still-"

"Hush it, Malek, this Tesla staff uniform be tighter than a bear-trap. Let's get there, slip to oure real gear, surprise the entire room 'n' use th' damn prize o' whatever that car be."

Two sets of feet approaching a door, the security guard's grips forced the gloves to scream as it stretched where no glove should contort. Wilik's and Malek's eyes seeing the gun stiffening up forced their arms to scramble for where they stashed those damn key-cards. Yet sirens roared to life, spewing out a cheery tune before the announcer came on:

[Tesla corporation wishes to remind people the grand reveal will happen in twenty minutes from now. If people can start making their way, that'd be great for everyone involved tonight. Tesla, electrifying the World.]

The triplet standing near the door cocked their heads back at each other, though Wilik and Malek's eyes just couldn't pierce through the opaque mask. Yet the gun sighed and became floaty again as the guard's eyes saw their passes, the two's minds ever-so-thankful for what their blerrie comrade, Locke, do to ensure the success of things. The guard's hand moving-in and a e-lock beeping its unlock, the guard's head stared one time back at their faces.

"Now put a good show, hear me? We've been hearing weird things of infiltrators, so keep an eye for me. Otherwise, enjoy the next hour or so in there."

With the guard's mind at ease, the door squeaked open wide and the guard stood aside stretching an arm into the stair well. The duo entering in, the steps clanked with even the softest press of the feet so they pressed on with the stroll pace seconds beforehand. And so reaching the top of the press room, both of their eyes finally saw the prize down below and their lips carved upwards.

[Hello, just a reminder that we will begin the event in fifteen minutes. Right now we'll be letting people in, please sit to where the ticket allots your seat at. Tesla, electrifying the World.]

A metal tool-box squealed open, bags soon ruffling in the air before making the ground wince in metallic pain. The zippers screaming before quieting down, the bag soon became disgruntled as human hands messed about the tidiness in such. As time did it's slow twirl on the clocks all over the building, Wilik and Malek finally looked the criminal part.

"Must say, methinks yah look a whole lot sexier in that than the damn staff uniform."

"You always hated denim, so of course suits and ties be up your alley way in comfort and professionalism."

"Damn right, Malek, do I feel that way; yah'll have to torture me to a vegetable to wear jeans. Period."

"Checking in, you chops in? Event's actually starting in five minutes and I need to listen in on this. If this is the car, I'll beep twice loud; if not, beep once loud. Certain key-words will be said and if they're not, then we need to pull chocks and pop smoke immediately."

"Understood Locke, we're pulling out the mic equipment. Got a plan for our escape?"

"Building's dynamic, I'll feed where to go on the spot. Otherwise, that prize is your one way ticket out."

"Well, we got a prize to verify but I feel like it is already."

Legs walking their bodies soon near the edge, ropes sing of their sliming out and landing on the floor. Soon hands tied the rope to the railing and knotted around their bodies, the legs stepped over to get ever-closer to the glass-ceiling. The press room within a jump's grasp, their legs just squirmed but the hands soon shimmied a mic over the glass-ceiling before steadying it. Stabilizing it into place, guns soon clicked with the bolts racked by fast hands and the announcer's gums yapped off again.

[Hello and welcome to Tesla's greatest achievement that we wish to share with you in this glorious year. For many a years, cars have defined the way all Americans and people around the World drive. Yes, the car has been the pivotal quality of American; without it we wouldn't be able to do many of the great things we've done so far to be here.]

A thunder of claps sear through the air, but the beeps came not to the two and so they listened more carefully. However, their voice-boxes squeaked some lines to each other.

"Malek, is that the new android model? If so-"

"Indeed, robots are going to go mad when Tesla releases them. But that's not our concern today, though it should be one. Hey look, a Murky is walking up."

"Murky? MURKIES! No way these chops aren't inventing the fabled car we prize a lot. Total radio silence between you two chops, we need to eavesdrop in more."

[Indeed, without further ado, I like to begin the presentation by bringing Colonel Michael to the stage. The Colonel and Murky Water are proud contributors to the next stage in transportation, a revolutionary one indeed.]

"Thank you, to all people in Tesla Corporation for granting this honour tonight. I, Colonel Michael, shall speak for Murky Water tonight. With this announcement we shall be the first proud buyers of this new vehicle which shall enhance our operations. We've been, since 1980, one of the many Private Military Corporations, PMCs, that has protected and served America's interests on the entire globe; the NeoLiberal and military banner of proof that mercenaries companies, merc comps, have now found their place in a Capitalist World when they haven't for so long."

A louder thunder sparked through the air in the medium of all the claps, business leaders to news reporters having their mouths cheering on. If quiet was to be a piercing annoyance, then Locke, Malek and Wilik would be the true criminals as their minds racked with the blatancy of Col. Michael's words but remembering where they were in the World. But Locke was the first to break the radio silence, perturbing both the two's ears.

"Damn Murkies, them and their high moralism, but I guess they dropped the sheep's clothes tonight... Well, I guess no beeps are needed but let's wait for the prize to be revealed and for her to clearly state that it's it."

"Roger that, Wilik prepare to jump and tag the Colonel and I shall take care of the announcer."

"Anyways, let's get on with the presentation... Ahem. With such, I like to co-present, tonight, with Tesla Corporation the newest model of cars to supersede the old crusty means of driving. Tonight, we shall witness the power of the teleporting car as it travels from here in this office to Mount Rushmore!"

With two beeps blaring in their ears, the air soon moved outta the way for the flying bodies. The glass-ceiling cries with each part of it flying all about the room, screams jumping straight-out of the mouth, bodies clashing into each other and bullets whistling as they whiz by to hit something. The announcer and the Colonel pinned to the floor, the two masked individuals' guns got the announcer's hands to chuck them the keys. Wilik's fingers pressing the radio, the two beeps from before gave Wilik's gave a great joy as two bullet cases ejected from the bolt. With raspberry jam on the floor made from the Murky Colonel and a key jammed-n-forcing the doors to open, Wilik's and Malek's bodies huddled in the safety of the car.

[Attention all security, file into the press room and apprehend the criminals. Protect joint Tesla-Murky property from grand theft auto.]

But with the car roaring to life, electricity sparks soon terrorized all around the room with the formation of a bubble encapsulating the vehicle. To their eyes, as their fingers panicked pressed the coordinates in, ashes of zealous guards and vengeful Murkies sang the slow descent - never able to fire a shot once. Yet the room began to fill up with more bodies than ashes, yet the flood couldn't stop the teleportation bubble collapsing in-on-itself; causing an indescribable sound to haunt each corner of the entire building. With the car gone and no physical remains other than ashes being that faint remainder, the mess of guards and Murkies jerked around for any other criminal - none was to be found.

But the thought of what happened outside was clouded with their minds inputting the coordinates to their real target.

"Well Malek, how does it feel drivin' a Tesla for once?"

"Pretty... normal? Well how can say that but with a tinge of disappointment?"

"Sadly I am not the thesaurus kind of person, leave that to Locke. Anyways, we be nearin' the Murky area and hol' up!-"

"Did you just input the coordinates wrongly, we're heading straight to the-"

The car's wheels hitting hard on the sands, causing them to fly high as they collectively yelp out all the pain from a landing. The car swerved around on the grainy sands, Wilik's body dancing about in shotgun as Malek bumping motion oscillated. Finally slowing down and the car squeaking a silent halt, the two's breathing rhythms were uncontrolled-n-inconsistent for a terror long gone. Malek's eyes looking around as Wilik's body shafted over a window to allow the esophagus to release all the glorious stomach content, her voice-box finally ended the sentence.

"Caribbean islands..."

"Gah! Where are you chops? I've been trying to figure that out for the last ten minutes since you were gone... Wait, I read you inputted the coordinates correctly but now you're in St. Helena. Blerrie! That's peckin' thousand miles off trajectory-"

"Hey, we still got th' car in one shape. Got someone in th' Caribbean that can seize th' prize-"

"Actually there is one thing I want you to do since yer there."

"Go on, not everything went wrong here exactly."


Two Things: we got some contest post entries coming up (yay!) and we be near Valentine's Day <<<3333 - so get ready for that!!!!~ That's all I have to pass other than the fact that I am still in #rest mode. Do widzenia (Goodbye)! Dobranoc (Goodnight)!

Okay, did Comrade Prof. Dr. Victor left? Good. Hi, I like to hook yah into a new attempt on the Steemit blockchain called: QITR, Quest in the Realms. It's a quest against the clock in this interactive choose your own path story to find all the riddles to the prize when you piece it together. But hey, click here to see this new programme that'll rock the Steemit platform!

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