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土筆(つくし)に出会う / Tsukushi!

(Spring has come to Stockholm, at last! It has been over 15°C, which is very warm since it becomes minus 15 °C and even more in winter. So, when it has been over 15°C, the air has changed and renewed that is how you feel.)

(Many flowers 🌸 are coming out after the long winter they overcame. You can feel that nature is also enjoying the weather.)

そんな春を感じる中、散歩中に懐かしいものを発見した。 土筆がストックホルムの路地にも芽吹いていた。
(I also enjoy the spring, and I found something I never imagined I can find in Stockholm. It is tsukushi.)

これは本当に土筆かなと、ローカルの方にも聞いて植物の種類を確認してみた。 回答は、「シダ系の雑草だよ」😆 そうだよね、雑草だよねぇ。
(Is it really tsukushi, which I used to go picking up with my parents in Japan? I asked local Swedes about the plant. Well, and they said "Yeah, it is just weed you can find in spring. Some kind of fern, I guess." LOL!"

変なアジア人が雑草を抜いてると思われると嫌なので、その日は収穫を諦め、(人目を避け😆) 後日、収穫に行きました。
(I did not pick up them, because it is just so bizarre that an Asian person suddenly started picking up some weeds. So, I went there a few days after when I dont see people around. LOL!)

(I doublechecked with my mother if it is tsukushi, or not. Plus, I googled and Youtubed how to cook it.)

(I removed the hard parts of the tsukushi, then put them in hot water to get rid of some bad taste from it.)

やばいぐらい熱湯が緑色になり、不安がよぎる。。。これは土筆に似た、北欧に生える違う植物? 変なものを食べて、こんな北欧の地で死ぬと。。。それはそれで笑える。「東洋人、路地の雑草を調理し、死亡」と報道されると、悲しいけど恥ずかしいし、ちょっと笑える😆
(I was a bit surprised how greenish the water became...I hope I won't die...LOL!)

(Anyways, I continued to cook.)

(Well, looking 👌 OK!)

完成!! そして、食ってみる。。。。。いけるやん!😆
(Done! Then, I tried it....well, that is tsukushi! Tasty!)

(I guess I miss Japan so much so that I have started something Japanese in Stockholm. Haha! I hope I can go back to Japan after Covid19.😄)

#japanese #tsukushi #foodoftheworld #stockholm #sweden #spring #food #cooking #tasty