Never Tolerate A Fuckin Snitch #MDLaughter

It’s not a normal transgression to go and tattle on someone to get them in trouble, even if you think what they're doing is wrong. It’s especially abnormal to run and tell someone in a position to make life and death decisions a lie simply to collect a payout or spite the person for any reason.

Hear no evil, see no evil.

Someone who would do something like that is less dried dog shit on an old forgotten shoe. How desperate for attention do you have to be to do this? Only a mentally deficient and sexually frustrated mouth breathing dumbshit would ever attempt to have a man assaulted and killed over a petty disagreement or simply for having an opposing viewpoint. These people are the first to accuse others of dishonesty, or more popular today; “grifting” even though they have done so themselves and been prosecuted for it. These individuals almost always have a drug habit to support, and later on will blame this habit for the chaos they've caused. A junkie will almost always blame the vice for their preexisting lack of moral fiber.

Accuse your opponent of that which you are doing.

I see your hypocrisy and raise you one Truth.


338578CB7, you are one, but not the only. You are not the first to take the long nose dive off the Liberty Tree of Bravo Four, but nonetheless I hope you fall and hit every fucking branch on the way. Close your mouth, you might need those teeth. I hope you drive your car into a fucking tree.

I assume they call these documents 'Discovery' because this is the kind of shit a worthless bitch like you would try to hide.

Nothing lower than a thief! Except a snitch...

Whatcha gonna do? Show a public record that I've been arrested and charged 12 times yet only convicted on three occasions? I've already done that. Are you gonna tell them that I'm on the Terrorist Watch List? I've already done that, too. Are you going to post some newspaper articles about me? That was just about the first thing that I did. Your move, cunt.

Remember, you can only insult someone if they actually give a shit

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