Raising the Spirit of Steemit Traveling Ranah Minang (Eng – Ind)

Hai Steemian,

During this week, I was with several members of the Steemit Indonesia Community (KSI) in East Aceh, visiting several tourist sites in Ranah Minang or Tanah Minangkabau, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. By driving the minibus, the journey from Idi, East Aceh to Padang, with a travel time of about 24 hours, is very tiring. But tired because the journey about 1000 kilometers siretas we stopped at some beautiful sights, in Ranah Minang.

Selama sepekan ini, saya bersama beberapa anggota Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI) Chapter East Aceh, mengunjungi beberapa lokasi wisata di Ranah Minang atau Tanah Minangkabau, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Dengan menumpangi satu minibus, perjalanan dari Idi, Aceh Timur menuju Padang, dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 24 jam, sangat melelahkan. Namun penat akibat perjalanan sekitar 1000 kilometer ini sirna setelah kami singgah di beberapa lokasi wisata nan elok, di Ranah Minang.

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Members of KSI Chapter East Aceh, @ilyasismail, @musyawirwaspada, @zamzamiali and @abeyaimary, while photographing the history of tourism at Pagaruyung Palace, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

The plan is early, my intentions, and my friend will keep posting as usual. But, the desire had to be delayed because the demography of Medan-Padang road is quite extreme. We crossed many mountains with winding road conditions and some of them were badly damaged. In fact, at some point, the road is only half left because half has been eroded. Feelings of anxiety, dizziness accompanied by fatigue, really make it difficult to arrange one by one sentence for our post in Steemit. Even so, we still take the time to access Steemit whenever the opportunity arises.

Rencana awal, sepanjang perjalanan, saya dan kawan-kawan akan tetap membuat postingan seperti biasa. Tapi, apadaya, keinginan itu terpaksa kami tunda karena demografi jalan lintas Medan-Padang lumayan ekstrim. Kami melintasi banyak gunung dengan kondisi jalan berkelak-kelok dan sebagian diantaranya rusak berat. Bahkan, di beberapa titik, badan jalan hanya tersisa setengah karena setengahnya sudah longsor. Rasa was-was, pening disertai lelah, benar-benar membuat kami kesulitan menyusun satu demi satu kalimat untuk kami posting di Steemit. Namun demikian, kami tetap menyempatkan diri mengakses Steemit setiap kali ada kesempatan.


Istana Pagaruyung Situs Sejarah Kerajaan Di Tanah Minang Sumatera Utara.

My best friend @zamzamiali acts as a lively driver. Just like me and another car comrade, he was the first time to visit Ranah Minang. However, Alhamdulillah, we are not lost. Google Map app from smartphone @musyawirwaspada be a guide @zamzamiali browse the road on the slopes and reach the tourist destinations in West Sumatera Province. Every time we stop, we always remember to capture the photo as a posting material on the social media platform Steemit. In order to be more complete, we also attempted to make a poster of Komunitas Steemit Indonesia Chapter East Aceh. The goal is only one; introducing as well as fueling the spirit of Steemit in Minangkabau Land, especially in the tourist locations that we stop.

Sahabat saya @zamzamiali bertindak sebagai supir yang lincah. Sama seperti saya dan kawan semobil yang lain, Ia baru pertama kali berkunjung ke Ranah Minang. Namun, Alhamdulillah, kami tidak sekalipun tersesat. Aplikasi Google Map dari smartphone @musyawirwaspada menjadi panduan @zamzamiali menelusuri jalan di lereng-lereng gunung dan mencapai destinasi wisata di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Setiap kali singgah, kami selalu ingat untuk mengabadikan photo sebagai bahan postingan di platform media sosial Steemit. Agar lebih lengkap, kami pun berupaya membuat selembar poster Komunitas Steemit Indonesia Chapter East Aceh. Tujuannya hanya satu; memperkenalkan sekaligus mengobarkan semangat Steemit di Tanah Minangkabau, terutama di lokasi- lokasi wisata yang kami singgah.


Members of KSI Chapter East Aceh, @ilyasismail, @musyawirwaspada, @zamzamiali and @abeyaimary, while photographing at the tourist site of Kelok 9, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia.

Many exciting stories adorn our trip to Tanah Minang. One of them when we want to make a sheet of Community posters Steemit Indonesia Chapter East Aceh, in the City of Culture - Batu Sangkar, Tanah Datar regency. The printing address we're looking for with Google Maps. Understandably, we are not accompanied by a guide. Google Map is our only loyal guide, as a direction pointer to find the location we want to go.


Banyak cerita seru menghiasi perjalanan kami ke Tanah Minang. Salah satunya saat kami hendak membuat satu lembar poster Komunitas Steemit Indonesia Chapter East Aceh, di Kota Budaya-- Batu Sangkar, Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Alamat percetakan kami cari dengan Google Maps. Maklum, kami tidak didampingi pemandu. Google Map satu satunya pemandu setia kami, sebagai penujuk arah mencari lokasi yang hendak kami tuju.


We arrived at Hotel Pagaruyung, around 22:00 at night. Right then we immediately look for a place of printing, so that can be used tomorrow. But unfortunately, the search for the night was null. All billboard or banner printing shops are closed. Luckily, on the way from Batu Sangkar City to Pagaruyung Palace, with a distance of approximately 5 Km, we found a printing place named "Dapua Advertising". The location is right on the edge of the road, approximately one kilometer before Pagaruyung Palace.

Kami sampai di Hotel Pagaruyung, sekitar pukul 22:00 malam. Saat itu juga kami langsung mencari tempat percetakan, agar dapat digunakan esok hari. Tapi sayang, pencarian malam itu berbuah nihil. Semua toko percetakan baliho atau spanduk, sudah tutup. Beruntung, dalam perjalanan dari Kota Batu Sangkar menuju Istana Pagaruyung, dengan jarak tempuh lebih kurang 5 Km, kami menemukan sebuah tempat percetakan Bernama “Dapua Advertising”. Lokasinya persis di pinggir jalan, sekira satu kilometer sebelum Istana Pagaruyung.


Cetak Poster KSI Chapter East Aceh di Dapua Advertising Pagaruyung Sumatera Barat.

Worker "Dapue Advertising" was surprised to see the file poster Indonesia Steemit Community Chapter East Aceh that we want to print it. The worker there asked, "Sir, what is this Community poster?", Asked the printing worker. I and my friend immediately explained and introduced this Blockchain-based steemit platform to the worker. After we explained, the white man was interested to learn it. He said, as soon as possible, he will also join in Steemit.

Pekerja “Dapue Advertising” sempat heran melihat file poster Komunitas Steemit Indonesia Chapter East Aceh yang kami hendak cetak itu. Pekerja di sana bertanya, “Pak, ini poster Komunitas apa ?”, Tanya pekerja percetakan. Saya bersama teman langsung saja menjelaskan dan memperkenalkan Platform steemit berbasis Blockchain ini, kepada pekerja itu. Setelah kami jelaskan, pria berkulit putih itu pun tertarik untuk mempelajarinya. Katanya, secepat mungkin, ia juga akan bergabung di Steemit.


Photo Bersama, Miniature King Pagaruyung inside Pagaruyung Palace, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

After printing the KSI poster, we immediately went to the historical site - Pagaruyung Palace. Arriving there, the first thing we did was, the photo together while holding a KSI Chapter East Aceh poster in the palace yard. We became the attention of hundreds of visitors, including a group of foreign tourists from Malaysia. After that, we also use the poster at the location of tourism Kelok 9, one of the tourist sites that are currently visited by many tourists in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Steemian, this is a piece of our travel story to West Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Look forward to our next post about the detailed story of the tourist location that we visited in Ranah Minang. Hopefully, some tourist sites that we had singgahi in the land of Minangkabau, a refrence your trip all. Indonesia Rich With Various Cultures and Tardisi and Beautiful Tour Location.

Setelah mencetak poster KSI, kami langsung melanjutkan perjalanan ke situs sejarah -- Istana Pagaruyung. Setiba di sana, hal pertama yang kami lakukana adalah, foto bersama sembari memegang poster KSI Chapter East Aceh di halaman istana. Kami jadi perhatian ratusan pengunjung, termasuk rombongan wisatawan asing dari Malaysia. Setelah itu, kami juga mengunakan poster tersebut di lokasi wisata Kelok 9, salah satu lokasi wisata yang saat ini banyak di kunjungi oleh wisatawan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Steemian, inilah secuil kisah perjalanan kami ke Provinsi Sumatra Barat, Indonesia. Nantikan postingan kami berikutnya soal cerita detil lokasi wisata yang kami kunjungi di Ranah Minang. Semoga saja, beberapa lokasi wisata yang sempat kami singgahi di tanah Minangkabau, menjadi refrensi perjalanan anda semua. Indonesia Kaya Dengan Beragam Budaya dan Tardisi serta Lokasi wisata yang Indah.


By: @ilyasismail



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Kami Seluruh Anggota KSI Chapter East Aceh Mengucapkan Selamat dan Sukses Meet Up National KSI Bandung
16 February 2018

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