Deep within us, beneath the surface clatter and jangle of our day to day thoughts and emotions on the physical levels, lies a tranquil sea of knowledge and wisdom, resulting from the sifting, sorting, and weighing of memories from countless thoughts and deeds that have played their part in the molding of the character of the Entity who is at this moment exercising on this plane of consciousness through a mortal physical body.

Let us at this stage be aware of the fact that no one on Earth can truthfully claim to be infallible, to be all-knowing or all wise. In knowing this, may we ask you the reader of these writings, to simply accept them for what they are; nothing more, nothing less, than the present understanding of a very minor student in the great Universal School, resulting from efforts in the search for Cosmic Reality or truth.

If certain portions of it “ring true,” then you may find that they will fit into the jigsaw picture of reality, that you have already partially assembled. If, however, you find some pieces that do not fit, then put them aside for later on. When the picture is complete, perhaps a place will be found to suit their contours.

Being unable to find a more suitable point to begin than at the beginning, we shall endeavor to do just that. NOT at the beginning of the entire Cosmos, (for such an event, if it did even occur, would be quite beyond the understanding of any mind, perhaps in our Universe) but we speak now of our own planet, Earth.

Everything that is in existence anywhere, is the result of mind activity.


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