TRAVEL: Mega-Bombastic Adventure Recipe (Banana+Eggs!?)

Hooray you stinky travelers! Are you looking for an easy, healthy and mega-bombastic recipe for adventures?

I know what you are thinking! Scrambled eggs mixed with bananas? Disgusting! - That's what most people say when I tell them I love eating this weird combination. In fact, I also had the same thought when I first heard about it, but then I tried and Wow! It's not only delicious, but ultra energetic.

Since then I've been eating this mega-bombastic and easy to prepare recipe on my adventures, as all the ingredients are common everywhere and I can carry them on my backpack/bicycle panniers. Even the eggs.

Skipping all the introductions, on this post I'll talk about the Mega-Bombastic Adventure Recipe - that's how I named it. First you make it, then you get amazed by the sweet taste and lastly I'll tell you how it provides a heck ton of good energy. Enjoy!

Healthy Recipe for Adventure

If you are an outdoors enthusiast you possibly know that we need highly energetic meals to hike all those amazing mountains, or maybe you love sports and is looking for a quick meal to supply your body with that extra caloric intake. I won't discart everyone else, from the most sedentary person to the one who's simply looking for a cleaner diet. Just be careful if you are on the get fat easly side of the moon, because this recipe is high on calories and fat!

"The Mega-Bombastic Adventure Recipe combines every macro our body needs to function: Proteins, carbohydrates and fat, plus good sugar and fiber. All combined on a sweet recipe."

The good part is that you don't need a lot of time to make it, nor any ingredients that you can't find everywhere (perhaps peanut butter). I prepare this meal on my bicycle adventures with my limited equipment; they are a small camping stove, small frying pan, plate and a fork. Let's see what you need and how to prepare.

1. Ingredients

The numbers I'm putting here are for one, just multiply everything by the amount of people and it should work. This portion is not huge though and you'll possibly feel hungry a couple hours later. However, I wouldn't advise eating insane amounts of this thing as it might jam your guts.

  • 1 x Bananas
  • 2 x Eggs
  • 1 tbs of Peanut Butter
  • Cinnamon Powder (don't forget this!)

2. Unleash the Beast

This monster is the easiest ever to prepare and thanks god it doesn't make a mess, plus it's quick, making it perfect for a breakfast early in the morning before attacking that bloody mountain that will suck the living soul out of your body. I've added an animation on how to make it, just in case!

  • Smash the bananas with the fork; add a table spoon of peanut butter and mix them together; make it smooth and leave it aside.
  • On the frying pan scramble the eggs until they are fully cooked.
  • On the same frying pan add the mix (smashed bananas + peanut butter) and mix with the scrambled eggs; let it fry altogether for a bit.
  • Once you feel it's dryish pour the cinnamon on top and voila!

Obs.: Don't forget the cinnamon powder, it adds a LOT to the sweet taste.

In case of weakness follow this!

3. Some Numbers - Don't be fooled!

That little plate looks tiny to be called The Mega-Bombastic Adventure Recipe, but don't be fooled. This small monster has quite some calories, and especially fat, for such a compact meal. I used the website MyFitnessPal to gather some numbers.


With nearly 400 kcal I'd say it's pretty caloric considering it takes 5 seconds to eat and it doesn't make you completely full. The best part though is the great amount of protein (19 grams) and that insane amount of GOOD fats (23 grams), which will grant enough energy for any outdoors activity. Even though it has fiber it tends to jam our guts (at least mine if I eat way too much), make sure to drink enough water to help with that.

Consider that the mega bomb is generally eaten in combination with other stuff, such as a glass o milk, some toasts, other fruits, etc etc; sum all that and it goes easly over 1000 kcal on a breakfast!!! That's half the recommended calorie intake for a day (2000 kcal/d).

It Tastes Like a Sweet from Gods

If the Gods gave us one gift it was this. Its sweet taste masks the taste of the eggs; sometimes you can taste the cinnamon, then the peanut butter kicks in. But wait... now it tastes like banana!

To be honest you'll have to try it yourself, because I'm suspect to talk about the mega bomb. This thing is so addctive that friends and I used to eat it for breakfast every single day when we were working as delivery guys on bicycles. Go ahead, and make sure to drop a comment when you do!

Have you ever heard of it? If you try, please, drop a comment down below!

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~Love ya all

Disclaimer: The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking and more than 3.000 km cycling. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

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