On The Road to Nomad Day 10: Custer State Park, Mammoth Site and Currently No Internet

Where did our internet go? Wait, we don't have any in Yellowstone. So here we sit in the library in West Yellowstone, an hour from our home location. How desperate are we? We are booking a one night stay in hotel in West Yellowstone every couple weeks on our days off to get our internet work done.

I can’t believe it has been over a week since I was able to successfully write and post an update. Seems like our biggest challenge on the road to nomad has been securing good internet connectivity. Of course, if you just want to fall off the face of the earth, this would not be a problem. That is not quite the case with @jbreheny and myself.
In case you were wondering, yes, we are still alive and kicking!

South Dakota is an absolutely wonderful state. There is a ton of history, culture and magnificent landscapes to appeal to every individual.


Our day 10 agenda today is to visit Custer State Park in search of Bison and the infamous Mammoth Site. Custer State Park is wildlife reserve and the largest and first state park in the state of South Dakota.



We drove down to Hot Springs SD to visit the Mammoth Site, (which I knew nothing about). Don’t let the name fool you, I do not consider 67-degree water a hot spring. We decided to forego an afternoon dip. The Mammoth Site, however, was a wonderful surprise.

The site was an eyesore to the community in 1976, so it was bought by an investor to clean up and build a housing development. As construction began, a worker noticed a bone and notified the owner. Construction was halted. After further research, it was determined that this was a sinkhole and housed the bones of mammoth and other prehistoric creatures.
It is estimated that at least 61 mammoth and other animals had fallen to their peril when visiting this sinkhole due to the slippery edge. The Mammoth Site is an active archaeological dig that is open to the public and is one of the most fascinating experiences of our trip. If you are in South Dakota, be sure to add this to your trip.




It was another wonderful day and while we are getting closer to our destination of Yellowstone National Park, we know we will have to start working when we get there. We are in a surreal state at the moment, but reality is sure to hit hard over the next week.

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