Let's travel together #51 - The Cistercian Abbey from Cârţa (Abaţia cisterciană de la Cârţa)

Picture taken by my sister - Mihaela Valceanu

In the latest trip we visited The Zoo from Sibiu taking pictures to the animals and enjoying the great summer vibes. Today we are still in Sibiu but this time we are going to discover something historical - The Cistercian Abbey From Cârţa. ✝️

Cârţa is a little village from Sibiu which is surrounded by the beautiful Fagaras Mountains. Even though the village has only a few residents, the place can be considered like a halt for the tourists, having a lot of guest houses and camping bases in the area. Cârţa is really small and not known by too many people, but the residents are always making sure that the appearance of the village is welcoming for the tourists, the streets being clean and full of flowers that are bringing back to life the little village forgotten by people. 🌸

Driving around on the streets from Cârţa you can cross over this place without even noticing it. I remember a few years ago when me and my family were on a roadtrip and on our way to the destination the GPS led us through this village and we were like - this is an interesting village, but without having any idea what it hides. A few years later, we are here - camping in the area and exploring the beauty you see in the picture from the left. This gem represents The Cistercian Abbey which even though there are only ruins left, the stories will never die. This place had an important role in more countries like Romania, Hungary & Germany so you will find information written in all the three languages. To visit this place you have to pay a tax though, which is 5 RON for adults (1 ,1 EURO) and 2,5 RON for children, students and retired people. (0,52 EURO) 💶

Once you enter in the garden of the Cistercian Abbey you will be surrounded by both ruins and a lot of flowers which colors the sad landscape.

While we are walking around we cross through a lot of graves where the german heroes who died in the World War II are resting. Following the path we will reach to the monastery which is known as a place where all people with physical abnormalities were sent. This is how in 1980 in the garden of the monastery were discovered the skeletons of two people which were taller than 2 meters each one of them. Pretty scary, huh? When you join the monastery you will find a little notebook next to the door where all the visitors are sending their good thoughts about this place - I really loved the idea.

In the following pictures I will show you the interior of the monastery ⛪

Personally visiting this place, I find it pretty sad knowing that there is a deep story behind all the beautiful ruins that left and we are seeing today - though, the landscape and the green fresh grass makes it a relaxing walk while we are exploring every little detail of this hidden treasure. In the picture from the right, you will see the house where the nuns are living - these taking care of this place to maintain a neat and welcoming appearance for the visitors.

Picture taken by my sister - Mihaela Valceanu 📸

At the end of this post I want to take a moment and thank @alexdory for helping me learn to code and make a new aspect of my posts. As you know I'm always trying to improve my articles but I've always ran away from HTML, Markdown and other coding methods. Luckily he was kind enough to be patient and explain me how to do it - I hope the good results can be seen. 💚
I've also created a new divider for my paragraphs using materials provided by Freepik.

All rights reserved.

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