[TRAVELTIPS] Aimless wander through Trastevere

You should try getting lost in Rome’s charming neighbourhood. If you’re visiting Rome and want to discover what it looked like a couple of centuries ago, take an aimless walk through Trastevere.

My suggestion: A walking game!


Wandering with some spooky green ghost

I was together with two friends and we ended up in Trastevere neighbourhood and we thought it would be nice to just get lost on these charming bohemian streets. We made up a game (I don’t know if it exists or not, but it was really fun). We took turns in saying which way to go: left, right or straight and we tried to get lost. It isn’t a simple game and it’s pretty hard. Haha!

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Pizza for everyone – there are two little birds eating some delicious pizza

You will certainly end up in Piazza di Santa Maria. You should stop by and rest your feet at the fountain. Maybe buy a gellato and relish it while making (awkward) eye contact with the passing people.


Walk few meters from the fountain and you will find the Basilica di Santa Maria, an interesting church with palm trees on it.

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Golden basilica and the fountain

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Found some street art


Chilling in the heart of Trastevere - Cheers!

All images are taken with my Sony Xperia XZ :)

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