The Most Dangerous And Deadly Hike In The World?


The Breathtaking ,Yet Relentless, Drankensberg Mountains of South Africa.

Ive done some pretty cool hikes around the world, but I am yet to experience the wonder that is the Drakensberg mountains, also aptly known as "The Dragon Mountain".

This magnificant mountain range lies in the province of Kwazulu Natal and forms the border between SA and Lesotho. It stretches over 200km and reaches an impressive 3482 metres above sea level (11423,88 ft).

Rumor has it that so many people have died on this hike that officials have stopped counting! Deaths are however still reported each year.

A simple google search will show you that it has made the top 10 of the most dangerous and deadly hikes in the world ,quite a few times. So question is, was it that dangerous seeing as I hiked it and clearly lived to tell the tale?

What make it a dangerous hike?

Mother nature, as we all know, is unpredictable and without a doubt can be deadly with a simple snap of her fingers. The most mildest of hikes can be dangerous if you make a mistake, slip or encounter a deadly snake for instance, but what catapults the Drakensberg mountain to the top 10 list?

Lets start here :


You hike up the mountain for a good 3-4hours along a really narrow path, if you get tired and slip you're going to either get really hurt or die, those are your only options. Then you reach two chain ladders. That's me on the ladder in the photo above, that's halfway up the shorter ladder of the two. Honestly, I was hyperventilating all the way up, it was extremely stressful and the winds were howling in my ears and jerking me from side to side. Side note - the ladder isn't fixed to the mountain so it can swing fro side to side.

I think by the time you reach the ladder, you're already pretty fatigued and the wind doesn't help, Its clear that one slip of the hand will be the end for you, but thousands of hikers do make it up the ladder, in fact, I made it up there as a young girl with a bag slung over my shoulder like Chuck Norris XD


If you manage to make it up the mountain, you will be rewarded with one of the best sights your eyes will physically ever see. Its so majestic and glorious that no photo will ever do it justice. The reward is reserved only for those who brave the mountain and conquer it.


So we got to the top and set up camp, it was already nearing sunset, it was really cold and the wind was annoying but we were so euphoric to just be there we didn't even mind. We made a little fire with wood we had to carry up, made something to eat and went to bed before 8pm.


We got a taste of the dragon mountain's medicine.

The morning we woke up to a beautiful day, we made some breakfast and went exploring. It was nearing midday when the wind suddenly started picking up. Look, that high up, were talking about gale force winds. Winds that push you off your feet.

We literally pulled our tent pens out of the floor and carried our camp to a nearby guard house.

It was a simple empty room made from rocks with a roof secured and bolted to the mountain.

That night I was wearing double pairs of thermal wear inside a pretty good sleeping bag and I suffered severely from the cold, the wind blew the roof right off of the house.

I wont lie, Im not an overly sensitive drama queen, but It was super scary.

That morning we were shook, we wanted to make it down the mountain as soon as we could and dropped most things out of our bags to make them as light as possible. It might not sound as scary right now, but we were in emergency mode.

The river that ran freely the day before was now frozen solid.


Should you go?

We made it down safely, but not without a fight. It was extremely difficult to get down as we had to find another way around the ladders as that would have been sure death.

It was a humbling experience!

But I can say that without a doubt Its one of the most rewarding hikes you'll ever do, just go prepared!

The weather can be sunny when you arrive at the bottom and possibly snowing at the top by nightfall. If you are fatigued by the walk, stop and rest. People die on this hike and I can see why, but if you come prepared for literally any weather, and you concentrate and think smart, you will be enriched

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