The bucket list mtb trail- Congo Nile, East Africa

Imagine a seemingly never ending stretch of primitive roads, coffee trees, banana leaves, children playing in the street, Lake kivu on the horizon and a lot of blood sweat and tears!

Multiply that by 100 and you've got the world famous Congo Nile trail in Rwanda.
Stretching over 257km sometimes winding over skyscraper hillsides through small villages and emerald tea plantations. Its an assault on the visual senses, but such a tough ride.

In the photo above I struggled to find a filter that would hide how red my face was😂 I also had a full on migraine from riding in the deadly sun for about 6 hours by that time.
Look okay, I think it has to be said that Im no professional rider, some weeks Ill do about an avg of 30km over the entire stretch of the week, a typical ride for me would be between 6-20km at a time.

The congo nile can be done over about 5 days by serious mountain bikers, but I opted for a single day ride. It consisted mostly of uphills and it felt like I was going to reach heaven and vomit on its doorstep! 😂

Ive posted about my trip to Rwanda before, but this trail might be a highlight for me, a tick off the old mtb bucket list.

Its breathtaking but a word of advice though, its a serious ride and I wouldn't suggest it for a relaxed Sunday stroll.
I cant speak for the entire trail but Rwanda isnt called " the land of a thousand hills" for no reason.

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