The unknown country in the north atlantic ocean - The land of maybe

This place has history back to year 625, it has no more than 50.500 inhabitants, it is an autonomous country in the danish kingdom, and has it's very own language. There live more sheep than people, and it's language is a mixture of the nordic languages and german. There are in total about 80.000 people in the world talking this country's language.
It is almost never found on worldmaps or globes, the same with it's flag.

And it's not on here either.
tip: it's located between Iceland, Norway and Scotland!

Because of the location in the north atlantic ocean, the weather is changing every 5 minutes. One minute it's sunny and warm, few minutes later it's raining or snowing. This is what decides what the people do. When the winter comes, rocks get loose and when it gets warmer or it starts raining, this is a dangerous trap. the rocks can fall any time, and hit you while you're driving. This is the reason for our 20 tunnels spread all over 18 islands (and also because it makes the distance shorter of course). So at this place it's the nature that rules. This is why it's people don't make plans the same way other scandinavians do. They are easy going, living in the moment, don't plan days or weeks ahead, because they never know what the day and weather brings. This is why it's called the land of maybe. it all depends on the weather.

The last few years the tourism has been growing massively because the world is finding out how beautiful the landscape is.
tourists are walking and hiking the mountains they've never been to before, ande they love it.

it's highest mountain top is 880 metres high, it has one of the highest promontories in the world with a height that's 754 metres.
This is the cape, called Enniberg.

Do you know the name of the country?
tip: the name basically means "Island of sheep"

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