Cachoeira das Andorinhas ⛰️ 🐦 Itaimbezinho 📹

Hey hivean friends !

I went to Itaimbezinho a few weeks ago and the experience was great!

Here are some pictures from Cachoeira das Andorinhas:

The video is the end of the post!

Click in the image to go see the location, on google maps.

The View Point

A vista.

Congratulations, you walked 3km!

Parabéns, você caminhou 3 quilômetros! 👣

The price to enter this touristic attraction is around $18 USD.

💶 O Preço para entrar é de 90 reais.

To arrive in this viewpoint, It took me around 2 and a half hours walking.

Para chegar nesse ponto, levei em torno de duas horas e meia aproximadamente.

Waterfall video:

O video da cachoeira:


This was another great post by:


”The future is amazing”

Esse Foi outro incrível post escrito por:


”O Futuro é Incrível“

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