Random Thoughts #4: Friends for Keeps

I came across a quote online that says "Remember, you don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of." I also read somewhere that the friends you make in high school are the ones you keep close to your heart. I truly agree with these 2 quotes.

Back in High School, I was very fortunate to have met 4 lovely people. They are Mel (which is @memebibiboboo), Joanne, Maybell and Orange. We shared 4 years of fun, crazy and unforgetable moments that we will cherish forever. Since we went our separate ways after high school, the 5 of us never gathered again for a long period of time. Some have met the others but never the 5 of us together.


A Groupfie, the first thing we did when saw each other again after 13 years

After 13 years, we finally had a chance to sort of have a "reunion". Since all of us love to travel and some of us live in other countries, we planned to meet in Malaysia and Singapore. First, Mel, her fiancé and I went to Kuala Lumpur for a few days then headed to Legoland in Johor Bahru where we were joined by Maybell and Orange who came from the Philippines. After a day in Legoland, all 5 us travelled to Singapore to meet Joanne who was already working there.


Me and Mel at Kuala Lumpur before the gang was complete


At Legoland Malaysia trying out one of their rides with Mel, Maybell and Orange


Finally, the 5 of us complete in Singapore (From left to right: Me, Mel, Joanne, Maybell, and Orange)

We were ecstatic seeing each other after a long time. A lot of stories and laughter were shared the moment we sat down. It's like we were back in high school again. The only difference is that we were in a different country and obviously, we were not teens anymore.

I have been to Singapore before but this trip is much more special because of the people I was with. Even an ordinary place can become extraordinary if you are with your close friends. I hope we will get another chance to travel again in the future, for this trip is one of my most memorable one to date.

NOTE: I will be uploading a detailed "Travel Diary" of this trip in the future.

See you on my next one,

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