Day 4 of my solotravel

Day 4
Today I packed my bags, had a breakfast and had a last chat with some of the are other people in the hostel. Went to the shop got my self some lunch and went looking for the Sophia gardens ! This is where the national express bus stops.


The bus ride was okay , did not see much because I fell asleep. –’ as I arrived in Swansea I still did not know where to sleep. So at the bus station I started looking up places to stay. Finally found something.. went there and started figuring out want I want to do tomorrow.
I actually did not do much because I was tired and it is Sunday. So there is not much to do...
I had a lovely meal at Yates cafe ! And now I’m of to bed.
Ow I am keeping track of my steps now... Yesterday it was about 11400 and today 6638 ... Still curious what it would have been my first day in Cardiff.
Night night or as they say it in Welsh .... Nos da !

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