"So amazing, you should bring your friends and family to visit.." - My Favourite Spots ch 5

As stated somewhere else I've had the luxury of travelling many awesome, beautiful and inspiring places of our wonderful diverse planet and I'm forever grateful for all my experiences. Sometimes though it's important to stay in contact with your roots so to speak, you know, bring it back to where you came from or whatever you want to call it. That's why that this time I'll present to all you sexy travel-hungry steemians out there one of my favourite spots right here in my home country Denmark.
Maybe you've heard about Denmark? We are that tiny dot nested below Norway and Sweden and on top of Germany, tugged right in there in the nice and cosy and we are generally known for being quite happy, pay a lot of taxes and our beer (Carlsberg anyone?). What is lesser known is almost all of our natural tourists attractions, both because the average high of Denmark is around 1.7 meters or so making us a really really flat country but also because that except the beer buying Swedes and the camping Germans most people don't really get out of the capital when they visit.
But that's where I come into the picture because you, my dear readers, are going to be spoon-fed some seriously cool places through my rambling here on steemit, now isn't that just super exciting? No? Hmm okay well then, suit yourself, I'm gonna write it anyways.

Chapter 5: Møn's Klint - Denmark

As mentioned above we are the country equivalent to a 13 year old teenage girl, not because we are annoying and loud (we are sometimes but still), but because almost the whole country is super flat! Besides one small island, yes I'm looking at you Bornholm, the bedrock in Denmark is burried deep deep down. So instead of having bedrock as foundation almost all of Denmark is made up of huge deposits of chalk, sandstone and other "soft" materials which gives us a really interesting and unique kind of nature.
One of these places is known as "Møn's klint" (which more or less translates into the cliff's of Møn) and is located about an hours south of Copenhagen. I know most of you have no idea what kind of letter "ø" is or how to pronounce it, and I can't really be bothered to give a lengthy lesson in weird Danish letters, so just think of it as a o and e pulled together as one letter - Moen.
It's huge deposits of chalk that appears as, for Denmark, tall white cliffs majestically towering over a small rocky shoreline beneath and I myself find them incredible beautiful and enchanting.

Møns klint.jpg

How to get there

In case you find yourself in Denmark already, either because you got lost on your way to Nordkapp, is here for the beer or just somehow ended up here for unknown reasons, you are most likely in Copenhagen. In that particular case it's definitely easiest to drive there but it's also possible to reach by public train and buses, though that method will take quite some time, directions can be found here. By car you drive south on the motorway E47, until you hit Vordingborg in about an hour or so, and then you turn left so you drive east until you arrive at your destination. Møn's klint is located on the island of Møn and it can be a little tricky navigating your way there, but with a little patience it really shouldn't be a big problem.
In case you aren't in Denmark I'll recommend you to probably consider moving your sweet ass to Copenhagen by boat, bridge, plane, train, bus or truck and follow the above instructions if you want to visit this cool place.


Okay I'm here, what to do?

At the cliffs there is a nice little visitor's center that informs you about all the things you didn't knew you wanted to know, and all the things that are worth knowing. As you venture forth out of the visitor's center you'll be at the top of the cliffs. This area is consisting of a spectacular nature that has been shaped by the various ice-ages into deep valleys and rolling hills, covered by both forest and meadows with a unique basis for chalk dependent floras. Here in the grassland above the chalk cliffs of Møn there are good possibilities to find and observe some of the rare and colorful indigenous orchids known as "Gøgeurt" in the spring, a wealth of mushrooms in the fall and a rich wildlife with lots of birds making this place their home.

The chalk loving orchid "Gøgeurt" - not really sure what the precise name is as there are many different species

The ocean and the weather is slowly eroding away the chalk, so it's important you are aware and careful as you traverse the hundreds of steps down towards the bottom of the cliffs, or even just when you walk around near the edge of the cliffs. It's not unheard of that pieces of the cliffs sometimes breaks free and fall down, which is also why all climbing is forbidden. The view before going down is amazing, specially if you are lucky enough to see the rare Danish sun, and I can spend hours walking around taking pictures and just enjoying the forest, before starting the descent.
These days the stair leading down to the beach is well maintained, wide and easy accessible but only a few years ago it was quite an adventure to embark on and you really had to watch your step, luckily that time is over and you can enjoy a good hike without too many worries, still be aware though.

The view from the top of the cliffs before going down

The erosion is very apparent almost everywhere

The beach is not good for swimming as it's very rocky and not really that wide and in general I don't recommend going here for swimming at all. But then again, the view will probably take away your attention anyways so it's not really a big deal now I come to think of it, I'm sure you'll agree after you have been there (besides, the water in Denmark is usually ice cold). Towering over you are the massive chalk deposits looming like a foreboding shadow and you can't help feel a little intimidated and more than a little small as you take in the scenery around you.

The view from the beach can be quite spectacular, even when cloudy

I hope you've enjoyed the read and I'm happy you've let me take you on a small trip to a place in my home country that I hold very dear. Møn's klint is a unique eco system that you don't find many other places in the world and it's definitely one of my favorite spots to visit, specially during spring and summer time. I can only wholeheartedly recommend you go see for yourself in person why this place is so special, the next time you find yourself in the vicinity.
That is all for me now, feel free to give me feedback/criticism in the comments below and I'd really like to hear your thoughts on the place I've chosen to write about, my writing in general and whatever else is on your mind.

Thanks for reading and supporting my ramblings!

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All content is original and mine alone
Enjoy at your own risk
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