Peaceful SUMMER time in CATALONIA + ANDORRA trip

It seems good to stay in a calm place, but I’m used to do a lot of things, when a lot of stuff is going on. To the place where I can go out every night and come back at 4 am. So after first 2 weeks I really missed partying! There weren’t any parties, it’s a really small town. And also second thing is that even if there had been any party, I couldn’t have gone back home in the middle of the night, as there isn’t any service of public transport during the night and taxi also doesn’t exist there.

selfie with my second, catalan family

But I accomplished my goal, and I visited another country! We went to Andorra, this small country in Pyrenees Mountains, between Spain and France. The official language is catalan, and there is duty free in whole country so it seemed a paradise to my host family. We visited Naturlandia park – it’s kind of an adventure park, where you can also find a zoo and another attractions. Afterwards we had a walk in the centre and we went to eat something. I’ve also seen some cool places like Chesterfield house – which was just a pub, but the design was really interesting. Because of the duty free, alcohols are insanely cheap there - 1 l of Ballantines was about 8€, I even found polish vodka – Żubrówka, for the same price for 1 l.

Naturlandia, Andorra

On one weekend we went to Sant Esteve de Sesrovires, to meet grandparents of the family, but in the end we met also some uncles, aunties, cousins and god knows who else… There was such a family atmosphere, but it was really great and despite the fact I’m tired of spending time only with family, I really enjoyed it. I didn’t even mind anymore if they spoke Catalan around me, coz I unerstood quite a lot !


homemade Spanish paella

By the way, when my friend here introduced me to her friends, the only thing they knew about Poland was again Lewandowski… So it ended up that I was called „the Lewandowski’s girl” haha. Well, why not?

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