Lost in Time Project - Part 3

Hi Steemians! Welcome to Part 3 of my project "Lost in Time", all about rescuing film slides that were destined for the bin and sharing them with the World! Make sure you catch up with Part 1 and Part 2 where the slides were from Switzerland and this time we are heading to France as well! I hope you enjoy travelling back in time with these beautiful photographs!

So after a week more of scanning I am excited to share Part 3 of my project. I have come to the end of the Switzerland slides but there are some last few gems I found in this post I wanted to share as well as their trip to France. There are a lot slides in this collection that really show the era (1980's) really well! I hope you enjoy them, we will start off with the end of their Swiss adventure!


We start off this journey in the Bernese Highlands village of Interlaken. It is the main gateway to all the mountains and lakes in Switzerland, meaning people congregate here to then go explore more of the scenic country. The huge serge in tourism to this village started in the 1800's due to the amazing paintings of the Swiss. This photograph below maybe is where some of them got their inspiration, it is from Interlaken overlooking the beautiful lake and up at Jungfrau mountain. I just love it, the composition is so nice, I like how the leaves around the frame are framing Jungfrau mountain in the background, the light as well just hitting the snow capped mountains perfectly!


Below is another image of the beautiful Jungfrau mountain, it looks like it was a beautifully clear day!


Later they went into the town itself and it looks so pretty. Lots of different coloured buildings with what looks like stalls selling flowers and goods. It looks like it is nestled away into the mountains perfectly and just what you would imagine a Swiss town would look like!


This photography below looks like a town square, it looks so pretty, you can just imagine it would be so busy during summer full of atmosphere! After looking at all these photographs from this wonderful country, it really really makes me want to go these places and see them for myself!


This shot below I really love the composition! The beautiful church that is just visible through the narrow lane of the high buildings is just perfect! The little shutter windows on the buildings are so cute too.


What I love about Swizz architecture is that it just looks like it has been there forever, perfectly sitting among all the mountains and trees, the wooden detail of the buildings also makes it looks like it is part of the landscape.


So earlier I mentioned that some of these photographs would really show the age of them, and here is one below! Look at these cars!! How crazy, I wonder what people will think of the cars we drive now in another few generations to come! This hill looks like it would have been fun to drive around too!



Lovely summers day shopping in dappled light, I mean how picturesque does this scene look?! It look so pretty with the plants growing down over the archways and the light pouring in too!


Now I am not sure if this was a restaurant or a hotel they stayed at but they obviously liked something about it enough to take a photograph of! Again it is so nice to see the day to day life of what it was like!


Here is an amazing photograph of the amazing building of Mozart's birthplace!! Obviously a very busy destination for a lot of people! Mozart's family lived here from 1747 to 1773, apparently there aren't an awful lot of artifact's in the museum but the significance of the building remains.


A typical sight in Swiss mountains, cows! And how amazing does this look, with the mountains in the background and the blue sky, the chalet, it just looks so perfect!


Obviously keen on wildlife they were taken photographs of this lovely butterfly, they must have got quite close to it too to get this shot!


As we now leave Switzerland it's been amazing to have such an insight into this amazing country, it's been a place I have wanted to visit for so long and seeing these photographs has just emphasized this for me! Scenes like this below just look so inviting, the houses leading out onto the beautiful lakes, the lovely snowy mountains and beautiful architecture, I hope you have enjoyed seeing this beautiful country too!



And so their trip to Switzerland comes to an end and on to another adventure, on the way home the coach trip stopped off in Paris. I myself have been to Paris twice, it is such a romantic city, with an atmosphere unlike anywhere else, so I was so excited to start seeing slides from this city when I was scanning! Here you can see them make their way towards the Arc de Triomphe. They must have wished it didn't have scaffolding all up it at this time!!


The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most famous sights in Paris, only accessible by a underground foot path, which when I was there found out the hard way as I decided (stupidly) to run across the road to get there, scary as hell, luckily I was fine but it was not a good idea as it's incredibly busy! It was built to honour all the people that fought and died in French wars and beneath the vault is a tomb of an unknown soldier from World War 1.


Every 11th of November a ceremony is held next to the tomb of the unknown soldier, which is what this photograph of is below. Lots of American Presidents have visited this special site and if you are in Paris it's well worth it.


Eiffel Tower

The most iconic site of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. It was constructed 1887 by the engineer Gustave Eiffel. It is 324 meters high, and there is a lift all the way to the top. I went to the top when I was there and it was terrifying ! Once you get up half way you then have to get onto a smaller lift that makes a lot of noise and has an almost see-through floor. So as a person who is not keen on heights it was pretty awful! But the view from the top was stunning, I don't think they went to the top on their holiday as I can't find any photographs to suggest they did but these photographs from the ground are still very impressive!


There are restaurants in the tower, which when I read that I found amazing! It's hard to believe that so many people protested this building when it was proposed, looking at it now it is such a incredible architectural achievement.


I was also interested to find out that in 2016 a small apartment was built on the first platform to accommodate people who won a competition. Can you imagine staying in the Eiffel Tower?! How many people can say that!


Notre Dame

Notre Dame is somewhere I have never been but would love to go. It is considered the best example of french gothic architecture, and it's easy to see why! It houses some of the France's most important relics and was completed in 1345, unlike any other building in the World it is known across the Globe. There is so much history to Notre Dame that I could write a whole post on it alone. I'm sure our relatives would have loved it as they were part of the church in England. (P.S How good is it to see the 80's fashion!!).


I guess this is their take on street photography, the beautiful lines in the doorway are just stunning, how the people are just walking by without just gasping at this building I'm not sure!


If you just google "notre dame interior" you will come across the most stunning photographs I have ever seen of the inside of a church, truly breathtaking, I can imagine that going inside this iconic building would leave many speechless. I am so excited to see some of the interior from so long ago, they must have loved going inside such a beautiful church!


This shot with the people saying prayers and lighting candles is one of my favourites of all the slides. Even though it isn't in focus it just have so much atmosphere, you can almost feel the warmth just by looking at it!


Seeing the Sights

By the looks of the rest of the slides they traveled around Paris on a coach, maybe stopping only briefly to get a few shots. This one below is of Fontaines de la Concorde, one of two monumental fountains located near the center of Paris. Completed in 1840 compared to the rest of Paris's history they are relatively new although impressive non the less!


Below is a brief glimpse of the Palais Garnier which is an opera house built from 1861, which is now used mainly for ballet. All buildings are just so ornate and pretty in Paris, so much thought and romance was gone into each one!


Below are just some more sights from the coach, what I love most is looking at all the people and what they are all wearing and the cars they are driving, it really is like going back in time!



To end Part 3 of this post I have a very creative find! Whether it was intentional or not, it is pretty interesting. Knowing their love of photography and how accurate they are with all their slides I would have to say that this is intentional, a long exposure fun shot! Pretty cool. It's really interesting looking at all these slides and I am so glad I saved these slides from going in the bin, I have discovered and learnt so much by doing this project, as much as it is time consuming, I am loving it so I can't wait to share Part 4 soon!


I hope you have all enjoyed this post, if you have any comments or questions I would love to hear them!


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