A tour to Odontotos the Greek rack railway

This weekend I had the chance to travel with the traditional rack railway of Greece called Odontotos. "Odontotos" literally is translated as the train with teeth, so it is the train that uses rack railway to climb on high altitudes or big slopes.

"Odontotos" was inaugurated on 10 march 1896 connecting the city of Kalavryta with the core Greek railway network to the station of Diakofto. Since the train passes though a canyon the max width of the gauge is designed at 75cm, nominating "Odontotos" as one of the narrowest railways in the world! The 22km distance is covered in 1h and 10min with the max speed reaching around 35km/h. Usually in the "toothed" rack the speed is maximum 15km/h either you climb up or you head down the track!

The scenery though Vouraikos canyon is unbelievable and everybody should pay a visit to "Odontotos" track.... in case it is difficult for you, I have prepared a short tour on the railway path starting from Diakofto and traveling to Kalavryta!

Out of service trains resting in Diakofto Railway Station
These trains were replaced by new electric ones during the past years. Now they are sitting stranded in Diakofto Railway Station giving visitors the mood of an older era!
Diakofto Railway Station

Old train on abandoned track
This old train seems ready to start it's itinerary from Diakofto to Kalavryta... Unluckily the track is abandoned so no trip for this poor train today!
Old train on track

Vouraikos river and canyon
In this picture you can really feel the power of the water passing beside the railway track! The toothed rack helping the train to climb is also visible.
Vouraikos river

Track through the rocks
This is one of the most fascinating parts of the track, where the train enters a caved rock or cave tunnels. The tunnels height is just over the height of the train which is specially designed for "Odontotos" track!
Rocks over the track

Odontotos tunnel

Train crossroads
Around the middle of the track the upwards and downwards trains meet each other and a small stop to change tracks is happening. At this point the train driver changes manually the tracks for trains to intersect.
Trains crossroads

Sitting at destination
Finally the train is parked on it's destination, Kalavryta and gets ready fro the next itinerary. Each train stays for around 15mins and follows back the same route the opposite way.
Kalavrita station

That's all for today!
I hope you enjoyed this small tour to "Odontotos" railway and I have opened your appetite to travel to this destination. Till our next journey steem on!

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