Travel Throwback | Marshall Islands, Part 1 | Vibrant Yogini


My public online persona has always been focused on yoga and wellness. However, there is a whole other side to my life that I have not yet shown to the public eye. This side is my travel adventures.

I have been travelling the world for the last four years now and have had many diverse experiences in many different countries.

Recently I have had a lot of reflection (perhaps because of the Mercury Retrograde), and nostalgia. While looking back at old photos it brought back so many happy and interesting memories.

I am finally ready to share these private travel snaps with you, exclusively on the Steemit platform.

I will post my photos and reflections from a different place that I travelled to.

Not many people hear about my travel stories, only my close friends and family, or perhaps the occasional stranger I meet out and about who shares theirs too.

It's not that I was hiding my travel life, it is perhaps just because I am so passionate about yoga and wellness that this took over my online voice.

What I love about Steemit, and being relatively new on the platform, is the ability to simply be ME!

Whether that is talking all things yoga and wellness, talking about my travel memories, or just discussing literally ANYTHING with you guys!

So here goes, in no particular order, just however I feel on the day...

Marshall Islands - Part 1

I spent two months in the Marshall Islands! I was there working on a private exhibition yacht. We had a lot of downtime, so I spent time snorkelling and at the beach.

Where is it?!

When ever I chatted to friends over the internet and they asked where I was, they had never heard of the Marshall Islands! To be honest, neither had I until I had to travel there with work. It is quite funny if you look on Google maps and zoom out, as its literally a dot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!

Zoomed out

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Zoomed in slightly

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Zoomed further in!

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As you can see, the Marshall Islands is made up of sandy atolls. It's very beautiful!!

Tropical Paradise!

The Marshall Islands to me are beautiful. I love the white sand, clear waters and exotic palm trees.

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One big shame though, is that there is a litter problem. They do not have a very established waste management system and it is a huge problem there. While exploring the island we saw a huge rubbish pile (3 stories high) and I do wonder what they were going to do with it.

Also, where there is so much plastic in the ocean, plastic used to wash up here and there on the beautiful beaches which is so sad. Although we help to clear it up, nothing can stop more rubbish being pulled in by the waves unless we sort this problem out globally!

On talking to some of the people who live there and who spoke English, they are not only bothered by the rubbish problem, but they are very worried by the rising sea levels. One day, the Marshall Islands will no longer exist as it will be covered by water (the same as the Maldives). However, the US government are going to relocate the people to mainland America (according to the locals there -I haven't verified this information).

Local craft market

We visited the market which sold fruit, lunch (usually chicken and rice) and hand crafts;

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This is a handcrafted map of the atolls in the Marshall Islands made from palm leaves by a local!

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This is another amazing piece crafted by a local from palm leaves:

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Eneko Island

We were based in the Marshall Islands over Christmas time, so I couldn't spend it with my loved ones. I thought i'd mention this otherwise the candy cane in the photo may perhaps seem very strange!! Haha.

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Eneko Island was my favourite place in the Marshall Islands because it was so derelict and peaceful. I spent hours sat at the beach and going on strolls. I had a huge fascination with the hermit crabs there!!

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On Eneko island, there were pigs! A local from the tiny jungle there and who lived on the island, looked after the pigs, and he took us crab hunting at night in the jungle there. This wasn't an excursion, this place isn't really a holiday destination as such, it's just because we gave him food and befriended him. He didn't speak hardly any english, so there were a lot of hand signals and smiles to communicate!!

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They have boat taxis from Majuro (the capital) to Eneko Island. Eneko Island also has a shipwreck as you can see in the photo!

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One of my favourite things in the world are sunsets!!! I just love them so much because of their natural beauty. Watching the sunset from these tiny islands was wonderful!

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Previous Posts:

Click here to read Taipei Part 1

Click here to read Taipei Part 2

Click here to read Australia Part 1

Click here to read Hong Kong Part 1

That's all for now! If you have any questions about the photos or these particular places in the Marshall Islands then please feel free to ask in the comments below :D

I will reveal more highlights from my travels around the Pacific, and all the other places I have travelled to over time on the Travel Throwback posts! :D

Wishing you a beautiful day full of happiness and good vibes,



P.S. “The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." ~ Audrey Hepburn

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