Teaching English in China=How much $$$??=How much Fruit?? 在中国教英语赚多小钱或多小🍉?!?!

200 RMB fruit.png

Hello and 你好!

I am living in China now. You may ask, "how much money can you make teaching English there"? Well, here is just one example. On average in the bigger cities in China, you can make at least 200 Chinese Yuan/RMB per hour. That is about $30 USD. And usually when you teach like this it is a cash payment, so no tax is taken out.

Myself eating plant-based, eat A LOT of fruit. So here in my simple video I shot in Chongqing, China, the world's largest city, I show you HOW MUCH FRUIT you can buy for teaching just 1 HOUR of English. China has many varieties of fruit, most of it is produced within China, so in this sense they are quite self-sufficient as far as fruit. They do import a lot of durian from Thailand as they have a huge appetite for this fabulous fruit, as do I!

If you have not been to China before, please check it out, it is A LOT different than the lamestream media portrays it, the Chinese people are good and China is a dynamic place. Is it perfect? No. But where is?

Peace from Xiamen, China,

Bigfoot In China

p.s. I have lots of China and travel related videos on my youtube channel

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