My Boss Sucks! Work Sucks! Bills Sucks! Traffic Sucks! I NEED A BREAK FROM THIS S*IT!!

Hi, There!

I'm guessing you are feeling some amount of stress in your life at the moment, right?

I feel you dude/dudette. It's fair to say you are not only one. Maybe it's time for a breather. A few days away from the crap, just to enjoy life and recharge a bit. Might I offer a suggestion?


Consider a few days on the island. Warm sunshine, cool clean Caribbean breeze, tasty drink in your hand and good food in your belly. Just for a couple of days, no boss, no job, no traffic, no problems! Just you and those you care about the most enjoying a bit of the good life. So much to see, do and enjoy.

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Life is full of problems, but sometimes, we just gotta say "f*ck it all, let's get out of here".

I get it.

I understand.

Let me help you find the perfect getaway. I'll take care of it mate. leave me a comment and I'll take it from there.

Don't forget to follow @VacationOnADime for weekly updates.

I'll see you on the beach!

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