
Raja Ampat Regency consists of islands that offer millions of beauty. one of the islands that has beauty is Pianemo Island. the island has lush nature and beautiful scenery, the island is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Raja Ampat. because in this island there is a unique Star Lagoon. The locals call it "Star Lagoon", because the lagoon shape that resembles a star arises because of the presence of karst formations, making it look unique and beautiful!

As mentioned before, karst surrounds the lagoon and creates star shapes. This unique view is only seen from above. That means tourists must go up the hill first by climbing. Many trees and shrubs grow on karst and they create a lush atmosphere. This explains why the air in that location is quite refreshing. for water at Star Lagoon featuring clear water in Tosca green. Some parts are shallow, while others are deep. Still, you can snorkel there.

Activities to do at Star Lagoon. the main activity is traveling! Thanks to the presence of the trekking track. Tourists can use it to get to the top of the hill and observe the amazing view from above and feel the breeze. Moreover, the shape of the star is visible from the location. This privilege is only available to those who try to reach the top of the hill. Do not worry. With proper footwear and awareness, anyone can do it!

To reach the Raja Ampat Islands, visitors must first head in in the city of Sorong. After reaching the city of Sorong, visitors can use a type of fast boat that usually sails twice a day to Waisai, the capital of Raja Ampat Regency.


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