After the rainy day it's time to walk through puddles..//Backpacking through Sweden Day #5

Remember how day #4 went? Right, we got rained on on our 8km hike and then decided to take a break from sleeping in wind shelters and spend the night in this wonderful hostel.

But that's not the end of the story. Eventually (the next morning) we had to leave the heavenly luxury of a warm house and a soft bed. And that's what I'm here to tell you about today.

Day #5

Even though the bed was nice and cozy, it felt weird after sleeping on the wooden ground of a wind shelter. We woke up at 8 and "made breakfast" in the kitchen. I'm so sick of my pre-packed cereal already. Then we packed our stuff. My sweater and some socks were still wet so I tied them to the outside of my backpack. This time I prepared for more rain and put all my belongings and clothes in a large trashbag and then inside the not-waterproof backpack.

It was supposed to rain, but when we left the sun was shining. After some walking we finally found the orange signs to our Skåneleden walkway and walked through some cattle pasture land with sheep. We climed over a fence because we took a wrong road before and didn't want to turn back.

And that's when the road started getting muddy again. Until finally, the "road" only consisted of water!


It looks like beside the puddle/river there is dry road. But the water there is still ankle-deep.

I was lucky because I had high shoes and my feet stayed dry, my friends however were not in luck.

One thing I should also mention is the flies and insects that left our legs itching. We ended up hitting each others (and our own) legs to keep them away. Must've looked ridiculous.

Around 1pm we found a water tab and a "toilet".


150m further there was a gigantic wind shelter with room for probably 18 people. On bunk beds that do not look comfortable..


There were actually two rooms with doors!


And outside we had tables and a fireplace.


If anyone wants to come here, because it seemed like a truly awesome place to sleep, this was in or near Farhult.

Anyways, we brought our stuff inside and once the rain and thunder was over made some food (prepacked curry with shrimp). Here's a picture of the sunset.


The night ended in a fun and scary way. I'm not usually scared of spiders UNLESS they come really close to me. So as I was lying on my mat, a fat black spider crawled closer and closer to me. I panicked and made Oscar bring it out.

After that I couldn't stop laughing and also got hungry and stole a pickup from Oscar. Poor boy!!

But don't worry, he got back a loot of pickups once we returned home ;)

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