Frequently Asking Questions - Travel Guide to Cambodia

  1. Is Cambodia safe?
    Yes, Cambodia is a relatively safe country. There are occasional reports of petty theft, and the occasional bar fight, but these can easily be avoided (especially the latter) if you exercise common sense. Do not leave your bag sitting at your feet while riding around in a tuk-tuk (hold onto it!), and leave your expensive jewelry and watches at home. And never, ever leave cash or valuables unattended in your hotel room. Some travelers opt for money belts that can be worn inside the clothing, or hanging around the neck under the shirt.

  2. How to get a Visa?
    A passport with at least four-month validity is required. Don’t forget to take one passport photo with you. A visa is required for most nationalities. One-month visas are available on arrival at the international airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, and at border crossings with Thailand and Vietnam (not Laos). Tourist visas are currently US$30 and business visas are US$35; this is subject to change so check this out before you arrive. Or you can apply e-Visa before your arrival:


  1. Do I have to use local currency in Cambodia?
    You don’t have to do exchange money after your arrival in Cambodia. Especially at the border (Poipet), the exchange money is always behind a scam. USD currency is widely accepted in Cambodia. 1 USD is equal 4000 Riel in the local currency.

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