Chasing Waterfalls on Camiguin Island

Chasing Waterfalls on Camiguin Island

Camiguin in the Philippines is known as the Island Born of Fire, because of its towering volcanic peaks and active craters. More than just volcanoes though, Camiguin is home to some of the most spectacular waterfalls in the Philippines.

With a rugged, mountainous interior, covered in lush vegetation, Camiguin is the perfect ground for spectacular waterfalls. I went to the island in search of the best, and visited two of the the most spectacular waterfalls I've ever seen, and searching for the third, became slightly lost in the jungle, before I had to turn back!

It was an epic trip chasing waterfalls and here are the highlights and the best pictures from my trip around this incredible island!


Katibawasan Falls

Katibawasan Falls is the best of the bunch on Camiguin. It's a long drop, reaching a height of 70 metres, and the water comes hurtling down the side of a rugged, lush cliff face, covered in greenery and vegetation. It's hiden away in the jungle, on the slopes of the largest volcano on the island, Mount Hibok-Hibok and it's a humbling sight to behold.

It's possible to swim in the icy cold water to refresh yourself in the hot, humid heat of Camiguin!








Tuasan Falls

Tuasan is the next best waterfall on Camiguin, although many locals I met disagreed with me and held that it is, in fact, the best. You can let me know in the comments which one you prefer from the pictures!

Tuasan isn't quite as tall as it's nearby neighbour, but it is an equally dramatic setting, again being found right in the heart of the jungle. Again, it's a beautiful spot to go swimming, and usually a very busy one!




Binawangan Falls

Binawangan Falls, the last on my list to see, proved impossible to find. I followed the road and kept to the signs, and the road led far into the mountains, up an incredibly steep route. The views out over the island were incredible to see, but then, the road just stopped!

I could go no further and there were no more signs to follow. To make matters worse, there were four or five different footpaths that set out into the mountains and I had no idea which was the correct one.

Eventually, in the harsh midday day heat and with no idea which one to take after trying a few, I was forced to turn back and ride all the way down the mountain again, never to see the waterfall.

If anyone here on steemit has ever visited this last waterfall I'd love to see a picture to know that actually, it does indeed exist!


Richard Collett

This article originally appeared in an edited format on my website, Travel Tramp!

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