Exploring A Culture - The Tibetan Musuem

Hey guys! How have all you been doing? I hope great :)

So, as you may all know, I like travelling. I mean, that is literally my username here on Steemit. Well, half of it at least, but you get the point. There are many reasons I love travelling. One of the major beings food, which is apparently my second half of my username :D

The second most important reason for me is to explore different cultures. Belonging from a country that is known for its diversity, I am extremely lucky that there are thousands of different cultures that one can learn about and each time you do that, you are actually enhancing your perception a bit. Or at least that's how I feel.

In my recent posts I mentioned that I was really touched by the Tibetan culture after I visited the Norbulingka in Dharamshala. Today, I will be sharing some photos of 'The Tibetan Museum' in McLeod Ganj.



Here is a photo I took to give you an idea of what a Tibetan culture map looks like.

The museum has over 30,000 photographs depicting the life of exile that the Tibetan people have been living as stated in the museum itself. Some of these photos (specially the black and white ones) really spoke of the inner turmoil that they must have gone through.



The history associated with a culture is what makes it the most interesting in my opinion. Every history lesson is a story, a true one, and you get an understanding of why things are the way they are with a particular culture. These snippets of history in the museum provided some insight into that history.




People dwelling endlessly across the Himalayan range. Life of exile can indeed be something one can't imagine.


I hope this post could shed some light on a culture that we all know about, but don't really know about that much to be honest. Today's post was a little different than my usual travel posts because I really wanted to focus on the history today. I hope you guys will like it.

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