A "Steemy" Introduction...

Have you ever had so much to say, that you can’t say anything when someone asks you to say something?

That’s me. My mind doesn’t stop. All human behavior I observe, I’m narrating their story in my mind (or perhaps it is MY story since it’s only my interpretation.) My own story is unbelievable. It seems as though every day is a scene for a Sundance Film Festival Winner. Every day for me is a creative short. Every season… an award-winning, feature film however no one is giving me awards for my daily “performances” right now. At least not yet.

I think too much but I don’t want to stop thinking. Every time I have a thought, it takes me on a powerful journey until I reach an “aha” moment that I feel could possibly change the way humanity views one another and the World.

Do you ever feel that way? Do you suppose that is why we’re addicted to purging our opinions on Social media? We’re searching for affirmation that our life’s work (our perspective) has value or meaning to it. And it does, as long as it is given meaning. The thing is, in a natural existence; I believe it is human connection that should be our true affirmation. Our relationships are our storytellers. Our observers. So what happens when you do not have real relationships?

Does that tree in the forest make a sound when it falls? What does our life mean without an observer?

Are you still here? You’ve just been introduced to 5 minutes of thought from my brain and you have never met me. Yet, because you took the time to read this, I exist. So thank you. I am grateful. You give ME life.

I have SO many unbelievable stories. And they are all true. I do not have an observer in real life, as raw and authentic as my identity wishes they should be. So here are my own words interpreting who I am as best as possible. I trust you to draw your own conclusions. And you have my permission to think whatever you want of me, even if it’s completely opposite of who I truly am. You are MY observer… so this (in a sense) is now YOUR story.

I’m about to live on a ship for the next six months. I’m an entertainer, musician and storyteller (I also allow the story to tell ME. I just go along for the ride.) I also do a lot of other things that aren’t making me a lot of money yet and I desire to save all living things from the ego of mankind and save humans from themselves.

I hope you enjoy.
Even if you don’t, my words will keep going no matter what.
But I hope you do. :-) You are appreciated either way.

I am Krista.

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