Part 2: Europe trip!

I wake up 15 minutes before my alarm freaking out thinking I missed my alarm because I drank quite a bit the night before and only for 5
hours of sleep. Luckily I didn’t. I hurry and pack all my gear and head off to the nearest train to take me me to the main terminal. Upon my arrival I am stunned at this building. It looks brand new and is loaded with stores. BC719383-89BA-4C47-9DC8-EE2ECC8555C7.png
I grab some food and I sit down and wait for my train. This train is headin to Prague. As I sit there and eat I cannot help but notice all the beautiful women around me. Almost every single one of them was just beautiful.
I board the train. Coming from America I’m not really sure how all this work. I accidentally board the first class train not knowing it. I made friends with three people from Ireland. They told me to just sit until they kick me out....which they did. I start walking towards the back of the train looking for a seat. They are all full. It’s then I run into two women from Argentina! They were on the same mission as me so we all went together. A60AF7E0-2FC6-416A-9FFA-898EF8DA5D45.png
After walking the whole train we couldn’t find any seats so we all sat in what they call aisle seats. These seats were not very comfortably but the three of us had a good time mingling. About two hours in we stop at a kinda big city. We see a whole booth open up so we jump on it and of course I take another picture of an empty seat and send it to my friend Chris. CA913A1F-484F-463E-8818-6110C27B58BB.png . Now I can finally relax and get comfortable. As I’m sitting and looking out the window I see tons of old magnificent building. The stuff we don’t have in the states, the stuff I came here to see...and maybe a girl haha. !lE339A40C-C120-4A88-8925-953FF3EE1BD4.png
Shortly after we arrive in Prague. I’m completly new to subways and theirs was only 3 main trains but I can’t even count how many times I asked for help. I eventually figured out the closest stop to my hostel, even then it took me awhile to find it. There were so many curvy street weaving in and out of each other in Old Prague. I luckily found it with 1% remaining on my battery. After hauling my gear up 5 flights of stairs I decided I needed a nap. I slept much longer than I wanted to but still woke up and decided to try and find a local bar so relax and have a few drinks. I asked the hostel host where there was a non touristy bar in the area. She pointed me to the perfect spot. I get there and there is only a handful of people around. I’m sitting alone until a stranger approaches me and ask again if I’m here alone. I say yes and he ask if he can grab the seat next to me. Twice in two days strangers made my night a whole lot better. We talk mostly about him and my curiosity with Germany. Eventually we start to mingle with a couple at the bar who’s probably 50+ years old but man could his wife drink! Shortly after they introduced me to some Czech liquor. 96371275-FE03-44CE-989A-2DE1826ACFDD.png it was very organic tasting to me but I still enjoyed it very much. After putting back a few and getting very tipsy I called it a night and headed back to my hostel. I was ready for a good 6-8 hour sleep as tomorrow I was going to venture around Prague!Laying in bed I was beyond happy with my decision to venture here alone. I couldn’t be happier! be continued.

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