Bulgaria: Sofia and Chepelare

Getting to Bulgaria wasn’t an easy since I had to fly to Vietnam to apply for the visa along with the invitation letter from my boyfriend’s father and going through Vietnam’s crazy traffic system on the back of a motorcycle with my life flashing before my eyes every minute on the road in Hanoi but it was definitely worth it.


I got to meet my boyfriend’s family for the first time in Sofia. They were so warm and welcoming despite the communication barrier (Made a deal with his father that I would learn Bulgarian and he would learn English for better communication in the future :D ). However, one of my biggest down fall is learning a new language… I’m not even fluent in my home country’s language because it was put in an International school since I was 2 years old. Moreover, the best parts about the trip was that I had the opportunity to see a part of my boyfriend’s life before he moved to London. I met his friends who were extremely nice and got to try so much food Sofia had to offer. By the end of the trip, I felt like my stomach was about to explode :D I wasn’t used to eating so much food.

Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to take many pictures during that trip (was just enjoying the moment).

My second trip to Bulgaria (Snowboarding trip), we went to Chepelare with George’s housemates from London which was a 2- 3 hours bus ride from Sofia. I was sooo excited because I never snowboarded before. We stayed in a family hotel 15-20 minutes from the bus station where we completely passed out so soon as we arrived. I was so tired from such a long flight plus the bus ride that I lacked to energy to do anything else that day.







Snowing boarding was so much fun but challenging at the same time especially, when I’ve always had trouble with balancing myself (in all situations not just snowboarding) :D I managed to injure myself after the 3rd of 4th day taking snow boarding lessons. But overall it was a lovely experience which I would definitely try again if I had the opportunity to do so. George was literally flying by on his board effortlessly alongside one of his housemate which very great to get to see.


On the last few days in Chepelare, we manage to explore Chepelare for a few hours. It was a nice quiet area and not as busy or diverse as Sofia ( I was the only Asian there XD ) lol George said that people were probably confused cause “we were walking with an Asian Kid” and yes I always look like a 12 Year old (Taking over 10 years off my actual age) because of my genes (not entirely happy with that especially when I’m doing business – suiting up unfortunately doesn’t not help with my appearance :D similar to a baby in a suit).




Lastly, I would certainly try snow boarding again in the future and I would highly recommend Chepelare as a place to go for snowboarding.

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