Dose of Nature- Province

Have you lived in the province? Have you been there? How's life living in the province? I can't imagine how difficult our lives must be because we live or have a house at the top of the mountain. But we have so much to be thankful for, even if life is so unfair sometimes. God is always good and has your back.

We're living peacefully at the top of the mountain, and to get there, we have to walk 3 kilometers from the main road. I can't imagine how I survived waking up so early to prepare for school and walking 3 kilometers to school from my grade school until I graduated high school. I'm proud to say that I received awards from my grade school until I graduated high school after all the struggles, and all I want is to make my family proud and happy. So much for that. I'm really proud of myself for all the sacrifices I've been through, especially for my mom, who raised us without my father, and for all that she has done for us.

Admiring the beauty of nature in the province and enjoying the beautiful sunsets are what I always look forward to after stressful days at work or on vacation. This is the main reason why I choose the province if I have long rest days. Especially the fresh air we breathe in. Beautiful flowers from our garden We also have a little farm with fresh vegetables that we can easily have if it's cooking time. The beaches and mountains that you can explore without traveling by far. Eating along the seashore without spending a peso is a must-try there. Even if I currently live in the city for work, I always look forward to going home to my province for relaxation. A proud Provinsyana girl. Born and raised in one of the provinces in Cebu City, Philippines, Badian, Cebu, Philippines. Feeling grateful to wake up and feel the early morning blessings. In our province, people usually plant corn and harvest it manually. Watching the beautiful greenery is what I love the most. Everything you see in your surroundings calms the soul. Relaxes our mind, forgetting all the stress that we encountered, and stays relaxed. No more worrying, and even anxiety. People are obviously happy without drama or stress

There are lots of things to be satisfied with. We will always be grateful and satisfied for all the things that surround us. Living simply in provincial life is free and easy.

Thank you for reading. Everyone, stay warm and safe.


Mary Belle is an overachiever, persistent, practical, and sensitive. She is known for her hardworking habits and makes success look effortless. Loves to travel and explore new things in nature.




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