Mexico - dreams of hot summer from a warm place in London

At the end of August i will go to Mexico for a 2 weeks holiday. When I had to choose my holiday place my ideal place was a combination of the following:

  • mountains
  • beaches (especially the kind that you can sun bath with just a smile and no clothes)
  • pyramids and vulcanos
  • colourful life and music
    So, looking at the world map, my eyes were drawn to Mexico and i realised that i had always want it to go and did not find the perfect conditions. The price of the flight was cheep, my holiday request was approved and Mexico is just waiting for me to get there and say hi. I did the winning dance around my room and then i filed all until i will get a bit more closer to the time of flight.

We are in may, so only 3 little months until my mexican adventure. I am the tourist that rather go with the flow and most of the time i have no actual plan until i go there. I know that my way can make some people mad, I am just pretty comfortable with whatever may come. Today i was thinking that i would plan at least the first bit of my tour, the volcano one. I have seen amazing pictures and i hope i will be able to see it close enough that he can mumble in front of me. I did looked upon some travel agencies in Mexico that offer this tours from Mexico City but i gave up pretty fast. The prices are quite high and I do know from experience that all the great tours starts from the hostel with some local recommended by the person at the reception.

So I took a deep breath, closed all the tabs and my eyes for a moment and only kept this photo as my desktop background. I will enjoy London/Europe until august and I do know that I will have at least one funny experience to share on steemit :)

Good evening lovely people


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