Baan Rak Thai, one of beautiful travel destination in Mae Hong Son, in the North of Thailand

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Baan Rak Thai is a peaceful village that is situated in high mountains at the border between Myanmar and Thailand. It’s not far away from Pang Ung that I presented to you in my previous post. It’s considered as one of beautiful travel destination in Mae Hong Son, in the North of Thailand. The weather there is cool throughout the year.

Baan means house (in this case, means village)

Rak means love

Most people in this village migrated from Yunnan, China and set up this village for their community. It maybe because of their love to be in Thailand, they named their village as this, “Baan Rak Thai”.

It’s really interesting and fascinating that almost everything in this village are in Chinese style; culture, their ways of life, houses, foods, etc.

Most of their houses were made of clay. It’s very unique style of architecture indeed.

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My most favorite is the raft. I have never seen beautiful and unique decoration of the raft like this in other area in Thailand before!

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This village has beautiful scenery; i.e. surrounded with green forest and situated near wonderful lake and mountains.

The villagers mostly plant tea trees, so you will see tea trees everywhere, even around the homestay that you may stay overnight.

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They produce various kinds of tea which are ones of famous tea in Thailand. You can taste it while admiring beautiful scenery on the raft or beside the lake, etc.

Besides, you may buy some as souvenirs for your beloved ones.

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Walking around in Baan Rak Thai, you may feel as if you are in the countryside of China.

And below photos are wonderful lake view!

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I do hope, you can touch nice atmosphere via the photos.

And it’s worth a visit, for sure! Let's go! ;D

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