Mountain Adventure #1

Kandungaw Peak at Dalaguete Cebu

It was not my first time to climb a mountain. I had been to different beautiful mountains of Cebu but this one is a bit difficult due to its very elavated location. Hahahaha it definitely has an elevated area because it is a mountain, myyy, what am I writing here. Due to my serious concentration of the walk up to the peak I never bothered to take a picture of my journey, what a lame excuse ha. Honestly guys, the walk was a struggle, going uphill is always not easy specially with a more steep walkway. I happen to capture a picture of my bro up on the peak and I simply just gotten a single picture of myself :D

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...and opppssss yeah we got a pic together... why do I feel like this pic will be interpreted in another way? hahahaha...

A breathtaking view after the very tiring uphill battle! A reward to a struggle that I thought would end me up dead up in the mountain due to breathing hard and exhaustion....

ruling my life,

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