I am writing this post from the future (..continued..)

2017-06-26 23.54.31.png

My Travels in Time. Part 3.

In part 2 , I described how I found a Time Machine in the form of a very unusual bowler hat in my grandpa's attic, along with a very old letter addressed to me...

(I am writing this as a fugitive, in the year 2040, on a home made Timephone, again with very low battery.)

☆ Here is part 2 in case you missed it.. https://steemit.com/music/@stillgideon/this-post-was-written-23-years-from-now

I broke the seal on the envelope. It had a wax seal embossed with a very ornate geometric pattern of circles. Carefully I took out the folded letter. At the same time, something small and metallic slipped out and dropped onto the floor boards with a massive thud which made me jump and even shout out loud in shock and surprise at the sudden noise.

I looked down to see what massive object could have fallen with such force as to shake the floor. There, glinting in the dim light was a silver ring. Surely it couldn't have been that thing? I reached down to pick it up. It had almost no weight at all. Less than an ordinary silver ring. More like an aluminium ring pull from a coke can, though it was about the size of a fairly large signet ring. It was diamond hard and impossibly smooth , I could tell by the feel of it - and though at first glance I'd thought it was silver, I now saw that it reflected light in all the colours of the rainbow, much like a CD or hologram. But how could something so small and light fall with such an impact?

I dropped it again. BOOM!! CRASH!! As if I'd dropped a fridge or a piano. The floorboards shook and even splintered slightly. Ok. I'd better not do that again..

Very tentatively, I picked up this strange object again and took a closer look. On the round face of it there was a very intricate pattern, symmetrical and made of many circles. It was so intricate that the more I tried to make out its details the more unfocused my eyes became until I could barely look at it at all.


With shaking hands (you'll understand that by this point I was rather freaked out) I opened the letter and began to read...

Dear Still,
If you are reading this then it means that my attempts to avert a terrible disaster will have failed. Now you are our only hope.

Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Morris Nadler. I am your grandfather Harry's grandfather - your great-great-grandfather. I am also a Time traveller. In fact, I come originally from a hundred years in your future. This is probably a bit too much for you to comprehend. I'll explain fully when we meet.

Here are the instructions for how to operate the Portal (it looks like a hat. No doubt you noticed it's not an ordinary hat.) It has many fantastical features because it is 5 dimensional, but again, I'll explain that when we meet. But first you need to get here. So all you need to do now is follow these instructions. Exactly. In this order.

  1. Take the ring and drop it into the hat.
  2. Take seven slow, deep breaths.
  3. Put the hat on your head.

You will experience a sudden sensation of falling upwards into the hat at great speed and acceleration. Don't be alarmed. It's perfectly safe. I've set the coordinates already and I'll be waiting for you when you arrive.

If by chance you arrive at a slightly different time or place (this can happen due to various reasons I'll explain later, though it's usually fairly accurate, so don't worry) come and find me at the address on this passport. 13 Casson Street. Whitechapel. I'd advise you to wear plain clothes made of natural materials. A button up shirt, if you have one, and shoes made of leather. You'll be coming to London in 1914 and you don't want to draw too much unwanted attention.

Bon voyage!

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