A hike through amazing Palau Tiamon, Malaysia

My time on Palau(meaning Island) Tiamon in Malaysia has been incredible.

I wonder if any of you Steemians ever heard of this island, I only know it from my Lonely Planet :). Maybe someone from Malaysia here? Let me know! Here is a report of a hike I made with 2 friends I made on the island.


Piece of paradise

Palau Tiamon is one of the few places in the world that still has this untouched jungles and astonishing beaches. The lifestsyle here is increcible relaxed and you feel like you are at the end of the world. Every morning you get woken up by the sound of monkeys screeming somewhere in the jungle.

palau tiamon.png
^^ Tiamon Island on maps^^

The beatiful thing is, if you travel cheap (like I do, staying in Hostels) you can survive here with about 8 Steemdollars a day, including sleeping and eating the best food in the world.

The first part of the hike was going on a raft that could on which you can pull yourself to the other side of the water.

^^ here I am climbing a tree, it had big red Ants in it that crept over my hands, that made me think about preditor animals that might be in this tree as well. That thought scared the shit out of me so I didn't go further up :P

After about half on hour hiking we came to this beatufil we came to a spot with this beautiful view!tiamon2.jpg

A perfect state of mind

One hour later we came a cross this amazing waterval spot. I climbed up a rock upriver and just said there for hours just staring and being amazed by the beauty of this place. When I closed my eyed I swear I came in a perfect (unintended) meditative state! I literally saw visuals of animals and plants that all turned in to each other (no I was not on drugs :D). Has anyone had this expierience before? This was my first time, I think it might be that my head was completely empty of thoughts at that moment..


After this amazing expierience we went through the jungle again, here are some more pictures of Tiamon:



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Visit Tiamon!

I recommend everybody who reads this should visit this place sometimes (but not all at the same time xD). Go to Juara beach (this is the other sides from where the boats come). You have to take a jeep taxi to the other side of the Island to come here but it is totally worth it. You also have a Turtle project that helps turtles in this cruel world that we humans created! Check (http://www.juaraturtleproject.com/) and you can become a volenteer on this beautiful island.

Please check out my introduction blog if you haven't checked it out yet.

Big shout-out to @crypt0's for informing me about Steemit! Follow him for your latest crypto updates.
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See you next time!

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