Amazing Norway - Gorgeous Nature, Great People!

Within the last two years I´ve had the pleasure to be allowed to work from Norway many times. Luckily I´ve still got some time for myself (besides those many office hours) to explore this amazing wide nature of this gorgeous country.

Since a few years I´m actually already a huge fan of all scandinavian countries, as they got such a great wildlife to offer and so amazing people to get in touch with. Even after I quit my job to take a new challenge in Kuala Lumpur, I´m still in touch with many of my friends up there. Yes, I call them friends as they are definitely too special to just be called "colleagues"!

Currently it´s not that easy for me to take a short trip up there but it´s for sure going to be my first holiday as soon as I get back to Europe. I simply want to get in a car and drive up the whole way from Germany, through Sweden and Norway until I reach the North of Norway in the hope to see some Northern lights :)

So far I just made it until Lillehammer, which is located about 3 hours from Oslo, but as you may see below the pictures from there are simply amazing already. Therefore you might imagine, why I want to get up to the north as it shall just get better the further you go :)

(Original content by @Starflyer-9000)



You may follow me @Starflyer-9000
(A happy Steemian from Germany, living in Kuala Lumpur, travelling the World!)

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